Take a look at class %SYS.ProcessQuery

USER>set q=##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).ExamStackByPid($J,1)

USER>zw ^mtemp(q)
^mtemp(4,"*STACK",1,"L")="  1   SIGN ON                            "
^mtemp(4,"*STACK",1,"T")="SIGN ON                           "
^mtemp(4,"*STACK",2,"I")="2^e^^^0^S q=##CLASS(%SYS.ProcessQuery).ExamStackByPid($J,1)"
^mtemp(4,"*STACK",2,"L")="  2   $$EXTFUNC                          ~S q=##CLASS(%SYS.ProcessQuery).ExamStackByPid($J,1)"
^mtemp(4,"*STACK",2,"S")="~S q=##CLASS(%SYS.ProcessQuery).ExamStackByPid($J,1)"
^mtemp(4,"*STACK",2,"T")="$$EXTFUNC                         "

Hi Roy,

I wonder if you used some LLM to write big chunks of this article.

For example, CSP.ini in section 4.2 looks strange to me

Indeed, there is a System_Manager parameter in CSP.ini, however its value is allowed IP addresses. And there is no such parameter as System_Manager_Host

There is no such section as WEBAPP in CSP.ini to my knowledge. There is a APP_PATH. AutheEnabled, Timeout, and LockCSPName are properties of the web-application, but you generally specify them for the web-application in IRIS or in the Installation Manifest, not in the CSP.ini

Where did you find these parameters? I have not found them documented in https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...

Additionally, in 5.1 you have iam listed as a part of IrisCluster definition, and then in the implementation guide there are steps 3 and 4. And step 3 suggests to deploy IAM using IrisCluster operator, and step 4 is to deploy IrisCluster itself. However IAM is a part of IrisCluster in the sample above

Hi Daniel.

This 404 error shows IIS page. For the debugging purposes the recommendation is to enable PassThrough responses in IIS:

IRIS returns 404 when the page or class does not exist, and when PROTECT error happens.

So enable the PROTECT events in the Audit, and check if anything is logged there

Check that IIS is configured correctly to forward the request that returns 404 to the Web Gateway and then IRIS