Question Stella Ticker · Jun 11, 2024 Hiding specific strings in the Ensemble Message Viewer We have an operation that sends a Rest request to an external endpoint. The request includes the secret, which shows up in the Message Viewer. While access to the Production is restricted to only those who need it, we have been asked to remove it from the Message Traces. Is there a way to hide certain information on the Message Viewer ? Thanks for reading #Message Search #Ensemble #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 1 113
Question Stella Ticker · May 29, 2024 Obtaining a payload from a FHIR response of type HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Response I created a FHIR Client to execute a GET response from an external FHIR server. I set everything up according to this post: I was able to send a GET request and got a response of type HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Response. #FHIR #Health Connect #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 149
Question Stella Ticker · Aug 16, 2023 Web client from SOAP Service I created a web service and used the Studio SOAP Wizard to generate a client from the WSDL file of the service. But the client is throwing the error as shown below WebServiceClientClass '' could not be instantiated, or the WebServiceURL Location could not be determined What have I missed? Is there a better way to create a client? #SOAP #Ensemble #HealthShare 0 2 0 248
Question Stella Ticker · May 12, 2023 Serializing Collections in SOAP request of SOAP EnsLib Service Has anyone had success with passing in a collections property within a SOAP request to a Soap Service in Ensemble? Please reply with how you set up that collections property. I am able to successfully send a SOAP request correctly containing the elements of the collection property to Cache, as seen in a custom soap log file which I am using to troubleshoot. But the collection property in the Ensemble request is not getting serialized, meaning MyContainers has nothing. My.Request consists of a property, MyContainers, which can have 0 or more Containers (My.Container) #ObjectScript #SOAP #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 166
Question Stella Ticker · Mar 18, 2023 Loop through files in a Directory Is there a command that will loop through the flat files of a given Linux/Unix folder? I can write the code to open and read each file. But the file names are unknown. I am looking for a way to access each file given a named Linux folder. The files have differing structures so a record map will not work. Thank you for reading and thank you even more for answering! #Data Import and Export #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 375
Question Stella Ticker · Oct 27, 2022 Changing the assigning authority A mistake happened and records were assigned the wrong assigning authority name: PID3.4. Everything else was correct. This resulted in duplicate records. Ex Record 1: MRN1 has AA1 and clinical data Record 2: MRN1 has AA2 and the same clinical data as Record 1 + more clinical data that is not in Record 1 I would like to remove Record 2 ensuring that there are no orphan records left. #HealthShare 0 1 0 244
Question Stella Ticker · Jan 22, 2022 Auditing Outbound CCDs through IHE We are using the out-of-the-box IHE components to exchange CCDs with an external system. A requirement to audit the outbound CCDs has arisen. Is there an existing report that will show these ? If not, how can we audit these? Thank you for reading #API #HealthShare 0 1 0 183
Question Stella Ticker · May 26, 2021 SQL Data Import Wizard with into table with %Library.TimeStamp and %Boolean datatype columns I am trying to populate a table using the sql Data Import Wizard. The input file is a tab delimited text file. But the import keeps failing with a 104 error showing validation for the columns which use %Library.TimeStamp and %Boolean datatypes is failing. Yet when I insert values into the table through a SQL insert command, the values get saved correctly in the table. For the TimeStamp format in the wizard form, I am choosing YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MI:SS because there was no option for this format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. #Data Import and Export #SQL #Caché 0 4 0 351
Question Stella Ticker · Jan 31, 2020 How to unpack a property that is a List of Objects from a result Set I am trying to get a list of all settings for all the config items of a given production using SQL . When I run the following sql as a dynamic query I am unable to access the setting names and values. Settings is a list of Ens.Config.Setting #ObjectScript #SQL #Caché 0 4 0 812
Question Stella Ticker · Jun 19, 2019 Studio: How to open and edit a file saved on the server If you know the path of a file that exists in the instance's install directory, how can that file be opened and edited in Studio? This file is not saved under the visible directories in Studio ex csp or mgr. For example if you have no access to the server operating system command line, how would you be able to modify a file using Studio? #Studio #Caché 0 7 1 571
Question Stella Ticker · May 15, 2019 How to create a calculated measure that will show the Percent of All for any dimension I want to have a generic PercentOfAll measure that can be used for any dimension of the cube. This PercentOfAll should act like Count, but instead of showing the number of rows in a cell, it will show the percentage (100*number of rows for that member/all rows) .It should not matter what dimension is being viewed. ExThere are a total of 100 rows in the source class. #Analytics #Analyzer #Cubes #MDX #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 1 1 0 357
Question Stella Ticker · Apr 13, 2019 In cube, one way relationship for a one to many class relationship I am building a cube based on a source class, which I will call, Family.Dad In the class definition for Family.Dad, there is a relationship, offspring As Child [ Cardinality = children, Inverse = father] #Analytics #Analyzer #Dashboards #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 6 0 348
Question Stella Ticker · Feb 21, 2019 Alternative to using % to make a variable public I am reviewing some code where the % sign has been used liberally to name arrays that are worked on by different methods within the same class. Apparently it is not good practice to name variables with a "%" sign as the first character because this could overwrite other similarly named variables from other developers, including ISC! Is there another way to make a variable public ? #Caché 0 8 0 680
Question Stella Ticker · Jul 21, 2018 Converting http to https I have an Enslib REST web service using an http host. How can it be converted to use https? #API #REST API #Ensemble 0 1 0 473
Question Stella Ticker · Jul 20, 2018 Viewing httprequest in Enslib.Rest.Operation and setting pwd The REST webservice works perfectly when run on SOAP UI. This end point server is an https site that uses basic authentication (uname and pwd). But when I run the request through an Enslib.Rest.Operation using a configured SSL and stored credentials, I get an "unauthorized" error, unless I explicitly hard code the password in the operation class. HS Version is 2014.1 .I have 2 questions. Pardon me, they are both related!! #Ensemble #REST API #ObjectScript 0 4 0 1.1K
Question Stella Ticker · Nov 7, 2017 ZEN : Allow multiple date formats in a dateText control and converting them to the YYYY-MM-DD There is a finite list of date formats that users want to use to enter a date in a form. These formats include single digits for month and day and double digits for year. The field is represented by a dateText control.How would one get to allow a dateText control to accept multiple date formats ? I see only 3 listed here, do those include using single digits for month and day ? #ZEN #Caché 0 1 0 478
Question Stella Ticker · May 12, 2017 Using multiple processes to process a single file It is taking several hours to read a large text file because the while loop uses ReadLine() ! Is there some way in Cache to process a single file using multiple processes. Something comparable to this:- #Object Data Model #Ensemble 0 7 0 810
Question Stella Ticker · Apr 29, 2017 How to use variable in a sql statement with the like operator What is the correct way to write embedded SQL that will use a Like operator and local variable. Ex How can a sql query return the IDs of all rows where LastName has the substring "Doe"?Set nameToFind="Doe". The below does not work.&sql(Select ID from myTable where LastName like '%:nameToFind%')Simple enough but this syntax is tricky!! #Caché 0 3 0 4.1K
Question Stella Ticker · Apr 23, 2017 Stream.DeleteLine How can one delete a line in a stream? I do not see anything resembling a stream.DeleteLine method. #Object Data Model #Caché 1 4 0 471
Question Stella Ticker · Apr 21, 2017 Write Stream to File only when stream is finished I am using a %Stream.FileCharacter object and LinkToFile API to write to a file on a folder. The file is written line by line . Something like below:-Set tStream = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New() #Object Data Model #Caché 0 1 0 1K