On June 7th we'll be releasing two new views of content that will allow you to rapidly see what's new on the site as well as identify content that has gone unanswered. The next step for this (after this release) will be to add in personalization so that you can filter content based on your tag and member "following" preferences.

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Developer Community was refreshed on May 30th with the following new features and fixes:

1. Formatting of postings in My Collaborations and My Content has been improved

2. Browse by Tag now has filtering options for New, Highest Rated and Unanswered posts

3. Full paging is back on the home page

4. Browse by Tag now includes child tags. Example - posts tagged only with "MDX", which is a child tag of "DeepSee", will appear when using Browse by Tag and viewing DeepSee content

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· Apr 20, 2016 1m read
Feedback on Product Documentation?

We are in the process of putting a new UI on the existing product documentation, including a mobile-optimized view. We also plan on releasing additional "solution based" documentation that is targeted at common usage scenarios or important configuration tasks.

We are interested in your feedback on our current product documentation - what you like and dislike and especially what changes you would expect to see to make it as useful as possible.

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In this release we added new functionality that marks postings with either a "new" icon or an "unread" icon depending on when you came to the site last and the age of the postings.

Here are the rules as currently implemented:

- If a user hasn't viewed content which was posted less than 2 weeks ago, then the label "new" is displayed.

- If the user hasn't viewed content which was posted more than 2 weeks ago then the label "unread" is display.

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[DCE-96] - Show views counter for the post
[DCE-97] - Clean up My Collaborations and My Content
[DCE-108] - Remove Find Menu
[DCE-109] - Search page - fix Categories dropdown, remove internal naming
[DCE-110] - Add warning to comments, answers and posts when page is dirty and you move off-page
[DCE-111] - Developer Synchronization: Copy global-summit-2016 view

[DCE-93] - Post author and date messaging is wrong on Post Detail Page
[DCE-112] - Improve Tag Selection - Handle Special Characters

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We can change to this mode of UI in the Create New Post that I think makes the tag usage easier. There's help text under the window in this screen shot and it will contain instructions on the use of tagging, the benefits and also a link to a standing post to request new tags. I think this method of operation will allow us to add many more tags without making them burdensome to navigate.


Not quite sure how to connect groups to tags in this UI but that might be the next step.

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When you click on the My Content icon in the navigation bar you see a page with tabs, two of which are "My Content" and the other is "My Collaborations". The formatting of this content is not very good and is inconsistent between the two.


1. How many of you are using these pages?

2. What are you using them for?

3. What information do you expect to see here?

4. How can we improve this?

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We will soon be implementing a filter that will remove Developer Community feedback from the home page. Please keep the suggestions and comments coming.

You can still access the feedback from the "Browse by Group" section on the home page by clicking on the Developer Community Feedback link.

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With this release we've done a few things with subscriptions

1. Exposed personalization settings so you can control how and when you receive the email subscription notifications. See the image below

2. The ability to selectively subscribe to email notification for content by Tag. At the top of the "Browse by Tag" page there is a new link to Subscribe with Email.

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· Feb 25, 2016 2m read
Alert: Incorrect SQL Results

February 25, 2016 – Alert: Incorrect SQL Results
InterSystems has corrected a defect that can cause incorrect results for certain SQL INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.

This defect is present only in Caché and Ensemble 2015.2 and HealthShare distributions based on them. The problem affects all platforms.

Incorrect results occur only when two or more of these statements are nested within each other.

The example below demonstrates one possible way for this problem to happen:

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