Question Dmitrij Vladimirov · Nov 22 Calculate STD DEV with ObjectScript Hence the question: is there a way to do that?The goal is to get data (from half a thousand to 3-4 thousands lines) from DB, calculate standart deviation then use it as logical condition in analyzer. For example IF std > custom_value = show_the_result ELSE nullThere is a STDDEV(MDX) method used in Analyzer but it is a measure and it can not be used as logical condition (correct me if i am wrong) #Analytics #Analyzer #MDX #ObjectScript #Python #SQL #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 58
Question Dmitrij Vladimirov · Oct 23 What is the entity for Event Source in User Audit Event? Is it some certain class, method, global, api, application or neither? If the entity is some of this what is the syntax? #API #Key Question #Management Portal #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 1 12 0 118
Question Dmitrij Vladimirov · Sep 18, 2023 UNION function inside one cube Hello community, I need to solve a complex but trivial issue. Given: Two tables "Comment" and "Post". Each one contains an "Author" field, which is essentially a user ID. In these tables, each user ID represents an author. The goal is to count all participants together and then group them by month, language, and other metrics. The question is how to do this within the IRIS ecosystem. Is it even possible to take two tables, get distinct data from them and then combine into one cube? #Analytics #Analyzer #Databases #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 170
Question Dmitrij Vladimirov · Feb 16, 2023 Install custom system class like %DeepSee.smth.cls Suppose I created a new DeepSee class to display a new item in the dashboard. DeepSee.Component.datePick Wich, in general, is just a copy of a similar class in %ZEN with minor changes. I need to include it in the base install. How can i do this? Am I ever allowed to change the composition of system classes? #Dashboards #ObjectScript #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) #VSCode 0 1 0 210
Question Dmitrij Vladimirov · Feb 3, 2023 Can not pass variable as argument to a classmethod after colon from Url="/Example/:Variable" When requesting /MDX2JSON/PivotVariables/Patients?Namespace Patients shoud be passed to a method but its not. When argument passed directly into the method it works. <Route Url="/PivotVariables/:Cube" Method="GET" Call="WritePivotVariablesForCube"/> Has something changed in IRIS and this syntax is deprecated, or is there a bug and the colon is ignored? What could it be?This question is continuation from #ObjectScript #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 1 0 165
Question Dmitrij Vladimirov · Feb 1, 2023 Request to /MDX2JSON/PivotVariables/Patients?Namespace=IRISAPP show 404 error When requesting pivot variables from a cube, a 404 error is displayed. What's the problem? Is it IRIS or is it API? <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Not Found</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>Not Found</H1> The requested URL /MDX2JSON/PivotVariables/Patients was not found on this server. </BODY> </HTML> #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 7 0 248
Question Dmitrij Vladimirov · Jan 15, 2023 How to debug ObjectScript? Very simple, how to debug? The settings recommended in the docs don't work. I need a convenient way to keep track of what a function returns, like in other languages, by displaying it in the console. #Debugging #Key Question #ObjectScript #InterSystems IRIS 0 10 0 488
Question Dmitrij Vladimirov · Jan 12, 2023 Access to write into restricted files I need to test specific values in %DeepSee.Dashboard.Utils. For that i have to change them but this appears: ERROR #5883: Item '%DeepSee.Dashboard.Utils' is mapped from a database that you do not have write permission on. How can i get past it? #Databases #ObjectScript #InterSystems IRIS #VSCode 0 3 0 328
Question Dmitrij Vladimirov · Jan 10, 2023 Create namespace and split data from certain database to put in it I need to split existing tables from database and put some parts of them into a new namespace. I dont know where to start, other than the installer.cls file. If you can provide clear instructions i would be greatful.Example:I have NAMESPACE=NEWTEST and DB The i need to take TABLES from that DB pull specific data from them and bind it to NEWTEST #Beginner #Databases #Mapping #InterSystems IRIS 0 5 0 272