· Feb 10


For example we have a docker app that receives a .csv file from windows environment and then do some processing on it in docker linux environment.


Windows encode new line in CRLF format, but linux can understand only LF and throw an unexpected errors like

ERROR #7207: Datatype value '100 ' is not a valid number > ERROR #5802: Datatype validation failed on property 'esh.i14y.csv.CelciusCSV.Record:Temperature', with value equal to "100 "

Is there a way to convert new line logic inside iris container in cases when .csv file (and other possible files) comes from windows environment ?

Product version: IRIS 2024.3
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The code piece that reading file 


If '$IsObject(pStream) {
            Set tFilename = pStream
            Set pStream = ##class(%IO.FileStream).%New()
            Do pStream.Open(tFilename,,pTimeout,"UTF-8", .tStatus)
            If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit

Before you start reading, set the lineterminator property to the desired value

 do myStream.Rewind()
 set myStream.LineTerminator=$c(13,10)  // or $c(10)
 // or more general
 set myStream.LineTerminator=$case($zversion(1), 2:$c(13,10), 3:$c(10), :"")
 // now start reading
 set line = myStream.ReadLine()