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Member since Jan 24, 2020

Thanks Henry.

Few queries - 

1. Does Power Bi offer an advantage over Intersystems own analytics? If yes, what are those? In general, I believe visualization is way better in Power BI.,data modelling would be much easier. In addition Power BI offers its user to leverage from  Microsoft's cognitive services. Did you notice any performance issue?

2. I believe the connector is free to avail, can you confirm if this true?




Thank you very much. Yes JReport trial version does not help much as it is only last 14 days.

Regarding Jasper Report, did you install 'Jaspersoft Studio'? I want to work on JReport Designer,which uses JDBC... I mainly want to master JReport Designer, so I can develop/design report. Therefore, do you think, Jasper Studio would  provide me similar environment? Any lead would be appreciated. Thanks.

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