Question Sebastian Thiele · May 27, 2024 Benefit of custom FHIR profile usage Hi folks, I am working on a customer project which uses some slightly altered FHIR resources in comparison to default R4 patient resource. I am able to import the structuedefinition as a custom FHIR package and assign it to the ISC FHIR server and the endpoint the IRIS instance provides. #FHIR #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 0 117
Question Sebastian Thiele · Dec 13, 2023 FHIR Server responds with status 403 - Reason? Hi community, I´ve setup a local FHIR server via the framework functionality und set a service config name for the created endpoint since I plan to use a production based FHIR server. I´ve created an additional ressource "FhirClientRessource" and role "FhirClientRole" as well as a user named "FhirClient". The Role resource "FhirClientRessource" ist set as "required resource" in the FHIR server configuration page. The user "FhirClient" is member of the Role "FhirClientRole" which in turn holds RWU priveliges on the "FhirClientRessources". #FHIR #Security #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 4 0 263
Question Sebastian Thiele · Oct 6, 2023 Looking for implementation strategy for create/update of Organizations in FHIR server Hi community, I am looking for an implementation strategy to create/update organizations in a local ISC based FHIR server. Thoase organizations do have a certain dependancy to one another. For Organization resources the "partOf" property symbolizes that. It is planned, that a Interoperability Production (supporting FHIR Server) receives a bundle which contains a batch export of all organizations of a customer (Hospital). The task is to bring those data into the FHIR server create and/or update organization. #FHIR #JSON #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 9 1 393
Question Sebastian Thiele · May 31, 2023 Serialize FHIR Json content to ISC model class Hi all, I am looking for a way to serialize fhir content received via interoperability adapter into it´s corresponding ISC model class (e.g. HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.DiagnosticReport) for later use. In my opinion the outline to accomplish this would be something like 1) Receive the FHIR data2) Get quick stream containing the JSON data3) Examine if bundle or single ressource4) For resource serialize to coressponding model class (HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.*)5) further use of newly created object of type HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.* #DTL #FHIR #Interoperability #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 0 261
Question Sebastian Thiele · Apr 11, 2022 Best practise Provide & Register Document Set via Ensemble 2017.2 Hi all, I am looking for a best practise approach for providing an ITI-41 based webservice to allow a subsystem to send a provide and register document set transaction via webservice route the request to a registry and loop back the response from the repository to the originating service. Since we need to use Ensemb le 2017.2 I am looking for a best practise to takle that reuirement. As for health connect I could prove a webservice wich supports the named IHE transaction and route it to the registry quite simple. Anyway how would you cope with this requirement under Ensemble? #Ensemble #Health Connect 0 1 0 211
Question Sebastian Thiele · Jun 18, 2021 Removing property path from VDoc EnsLib.DICOM.Document Hi all, is there a way to remove a specific property path from a DICOM document created within Ensemble/IRIS for Health etc. I had a look at class EnsLib.DICOM.Document to see if there is something like RemoveAt. The reason for my question resides in the need to filter certain fields for specific DICOM devices. Maybe you have an idea? best regards,Sebastian #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 175
Question Sebastian Thiele · Jun 6, 2021 Avoid display of certain properties in message contents display Hi, is it possible to avoid the display of certain properties in a custom message class in the message viewer content section. The message class is a common Ens.Request with a bunch of properties alongside one property of Type enslib.dicom.document wich in Turn is Not extended By %XML.Adaptor so the content display of course displays an error. My idea is to avoid the display of That certain property When output is rendered (Text/XML). Using Ens.Util.MessageBodyMethods and method %OnShowContents could be a way to do this But i don‘t find a way to do so. #Ensemble 0 2 0 207
Question Sebastian Thiele · Apr 27, 2021 Get FHIR resource content as stream Hi, I am looking for a way to retrieve stream data from a FHIR resource. In my case the resourceType is "DocumentReference" and the the Base64 content is stored just as in the FHIR R4 specification #FHIR #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 410
Question Sebastian Thiele · Apr 21, 2021 EnsLib.Workflow.TaskRequest with complex object Hi, we have a EnsLib.Workflow.TaskRequest wich is been send to an operation. The Task request contains a simple object, for that we´ve extendd EnsLib.Workflow.TaskRequest and added the object as an aditional property. The request is successfully created. But how to access the contents of this object from within the user portal when showing the task. #Ensemble #HealthShare 0 2 0 159
Question Sebastian Thiele · Mar 26, 2021 access %List property from sql Hi, is it possible to access a property defined as %List from sql? I´d like to search for a object containing a specific value in it´s %List defined property. Is there a predefined sql function for that within IRIS? best regards,Sebastian #SQL #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 7 0 345
Question Sebastian Thiele · Sep 1, 2020 Bearer token in a HealthConnect Production world - Looking for best practise Hi all, a HealthConnect customer of ours came across with a question to use an external service via REST and OpenID within one of his HealthConnect (2020.1) productions. The overal idea is to send data to the external system after receiving a baerer token to use for the communication between HealthConnect and this system. #API #OAuth2 #REST API #Ensemble #Health Connect #HealthShare 0 4 0 479
Question Sebastian Thiele · Jul 17, 2019 Omit xml header line when writing xml files using EnsLib.EDI.XML.Operation.FileOperation Hi all,is it possible to omit the typical XML header line<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>when writing an the contents of a EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document using the above mentioned operation. I´ve already digged into the config value Format. It only states that:C(e) : output an XML header line declaring character encoding e. If e is empty use the encoding defined by the Adapter. If e begins with ! force the output stream's encoding. Note that this will be applied automatically for File Operations configured with a non-UTF-8 Charset #XML #Ensemble #HealthShare 0 2 0 406
Question Sebastian Thiele · May 17, 2019 Where are XML Schema Structure stored Hi everybody, after importing an XML schema from xsd into Ensemble I´d like to add it to my Studio-Project but can´t find the imported schema in the namespace view. For example when working with custom hl7 schema, I could easyly add it to my project under namespace view schemaname.hl7. Is this also possible with xml schema? If so where can I find it on an component level? kind regards, sebastian #Ensemble 1 4 1 765
Question Sebastian Thiele · Mar 7, 2019 Create user Role to access only certain namespace in ensemble Hi, I am trying to create a user role which shall allow users the access to only one specific namespace in an Ensemble system. I´ve startet creating the namespace with a database (with own ressource and no public access). In the second step I´ve created a role by copying it from the predefined role %Developer and assigned the ressource of the created database. After that i´ve created a user and assign him to the created role. #Security #Ensemble 0 2 0 567
Question Sebastian Thiele · Feb 22, 2019 Get default CSP-App Name for a Namespace Hi,I am looking foi an API to retrieve one namespace´s default web application name. We have use some code to setup links to event log/mesage trace for monitoring emails. In perticular we did this with ensemble where the default csp webapplication name always is something like csp/<namespace/. Anyway when it comes to a healthshare installation the default path seems to be csp/healthshare/<namespace>. #Ensemble #HealthShare 0 2 0 309
Question Sebastian Thiele · Jan 8, 2019 Determine if Namespace is Ensemble enabled and logging to console log file Hi everybody,I am looking for a way to detimerine if a certain namespace is ensemble enabled. I´ve seen such a solution somewhere in the past but can´t find it anymore. Is there a simplistic api around for that?My second question is in context of log some information to the console log file with a certain error level. Also, I´ve seen this in the past and can´t find it agian. I guess there was some kind of simple api to use for this.Thank you for your regards,sebastian #Ensemble 0 2 0 324
Question Sebastian Thiele · Aug 2, 2018 Changing tableName of a ZEN-Tablepane on server Hi,we are moving an existing ZEN-Application to a new version of Caché (2017.2.2). It is a rather old application and we need to do some modifications due to the thightend security of ZEN in this and prior release (we came from 2013.1). One of the changes required is to alter a table Name of a ZEN-Table on the server-side. Anyway this gives us a problem, since we receive an errorERROR #5001: Client modification of protected property ( tableName) disallowed for security reasons.SOURCELEMENT: %ZEN.Component.tablePane (tpSimilarity) #ZEN #Caché 0 2 0 460
Question Sebastian Thiele · Jul 31, 2018 Use Fallback CSS mode Hi everybody,we have some legacy ZEN applications build upon CSS2 style definitions. We moved the application due to an upgrade to a newer version of cache (2017.2.1). Anyway I have in mind that in one of the prior relases css3 style interpretation was enforced by ZEN and you could explecitly tell the framework to use CSS2 by setting a global. Anyway I can´t found any hints in the docs on that. Does anyone of the %ZEN gurus have this in mind?best regards,sebastian #ZEN #Caché 0 1 0 226
Question Sebastian Thiele · Dec 1, 2017 EMail Business Service with eMail signature validation Hi,a Customer of ours comes up with a requirement to improve an existing email business service within one of his ensemble productions. The services fetches emails from a mailserver on a daily basis and extract attached files from this email and send them along with some meta information through the production. #Ensemble 0 3 0 438
Question Sebastian Thiele · Oct 13, 2017 DICOM TCP-Services and DICOM implementation details in Ensemble Hi everyone, before contacting WRC i thought to ask dev com about some questions related to Ensemble DICOM related implementation. These are more practical things and I hope to have someone around with experience in the field. We´ve created a DICOM Worklist application and are now in the process of roll-out. #Ensemble 0 5 0 852