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Member since Jan 9, 2016

Hi Ashok,

sorry for the late response. That get me a little further. The approach of ordering by date seem to work only as long as all of the resources have a period.start and period.end provided. In my scenario the most acutal encounter doesn´t have an period.end set since it has not yet ended. The field period.start of one encounter is the the period.end of it´s predecessor.  Can you confirm that behaviour of the FHIR server if no period.end is set? If so what would be your approach?

best regards,

Hi Ashok,

thank you for the response. This url is the exact same syntax that I used above (possibly my links contracted by the UI and therefore not fully visible). Anyway in my case there is no filtering applied at all and simply all encounters are returned regardless of the date. Could you post your encounter resources he used for testing so I can test if it is a FHIR server version specific issue?

best regards,

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