Disabling trace Events on an active Message Router requires the Router to be stoppen and started again. After That no trace events will be logged anymore. You also should have rule logging setting of Router in mind when doing so. When starting/stoppen the Message Router consider its pool size setting to avoid side effects such as stop of Ens.Actor queue.


as my advisor told me. This is a bug in Ensemble/Caché release 2017.2.2 since the intended behaviour to set sqltablename on serverside is sufficient and this specific security consideration reported a "false positive" - if I got it right a correction for this is available with ensemle 2018.1 and is identified as SAM524. The current workaround is to use both approaches setting tablename on the server and use permitclientsql = "true".

Anyway I´ll mark this issue here as solved/answered.

Best regards,
