· Feb 27

Searching InterSystems FHIR Server for specific Encounter (based on peroid)

Hi guys,

I am looking for a way to search for FHIR Encounter resources from an InterSystems FHIR server where there period.start is before or after a certain time. I can´t get my head around which would be a correct way to do this since docs and FHIR spec is not clear to me which fields can be used for searching with wich prefixes.

In my local InterSystems FHIR server I have a set of Encounter ressources, each set with a period.start and (possibly) a period.end. I´d like to retrieve all Encounters with a start date time prior to a given datetime. I did a little testing with URL parameters.

// retrieve encounters with a start prior to 2024-10-25T15:30:00Z

But none of the calls returned the correct set of encounters I expected. I´am not sure If I get the whole idea of searching for periods wrong or if it has something to do with the way period (datatype) information are stored and indexed within the InterSystems FHIR server.

Any idea or hint would be hihgly apreciated.

Best regards,

Product version: IRIS 2022.1
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2022.1.4 (Build 812U) Mon Oct 16 2023 10:09:39 EDT
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Hi Ashok,

thank you for the response. This url is the exact same syntax that I used above (possibly my links contracted by the UI and therefore not fully visible). Anyway in my case there is no filtering applied at all and simply all encounters are returned regardless of the date. Could you post your encounter resources he used for testing so I can test if it is a FHIR server version specific issue?

best regards,

Hi @Sebastian Thiele 

Here is the Encounter resource. I'm using IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2024.1.1

url : http://localhost:52773/csp/healthshare/learning/fhir/r4/Encounter?&date=lt2024-10-27T15:29:00Z
