Discussion Dmitry Maslennikov · Jul 10, 2022 Any stability with IRIS Docker images? I would say it is a post of pain after years of using InterrSystems IRIS Docker images in many projects. And I hope InterSystems will hear me and do something with it. We have a lot of issues with Docker images, but I see no progress in solving them. containers.intersystems.com - any new releases substitute previous versions, makes build useless ARM64 images have separate names, and it makes a pain to use them flags in iris-main, appears and disappears from version to version, which may fail the start the container healthcheck does not work as expected #Containerization #Continuous Delivery #Continuous Integration #Docker #InterSystems IRIS 10 3 0 728
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Jun 3, 2022 InterSystems extension for Docker Desktop Very recently Docker showed a very new feature added to their Docker Desktop tool. It was a good way to start using Docker on macOS and Windows, and they also released the same tool for Linux as well. And new feature Extensions add an ability to extend this GUI application with some extra abilities from extensions. #Development Environment #DevOps #Docker #Other Open Exchange app 1 1 0 449
Article Dmitry Maslennikov · Apr 8, 2022 1m read A new way to browse globals I would like to introduce my new project for the Globals Contest. A very new view for the globals browser #Contest #Globals #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 6 5 1 907
Article Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 25, 2022 3m read Welcome Django With the latest improvements in support for Python in IRIS, and continued work on Python DB-API support by InterSystems. I've implemented IRIS support to the Django project where is Python DB-API is used to work with some other databases. Let's try a simple application on Django, which stores its data in IRIS. #Embedded Python #Framework #Python #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 6 3 2 694
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Jan 13, 2022 Populate random data that makes sense I think it's a known fact that Populate Utility has very limited functionality. It supports only one language and one country. The list of possible values does not have so many options. There is a kind of tool that now can help with it, named Faker. It has implementations in different languages, including Python. Since IRIS has now had the Embedded Python feature, Python faker can be implemented in IRIS. #Embedded Python #Python #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 5 3 0 288
Discussion Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 15, 2021 UAE let’s meet Hi, I’m recently decided to stay for some months in Dubai. And looking for new opportunities here, as well as even would like to meet in person with local people who works with InterSystems. I can share my knowledge and experience. What do you think? Do we have somebody from Dubai, or other from other parts of UAE? #Other 1 1 0 306
Article Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 3, 2021 1m read VSCode-ObjectScript on GitHub Not so while ago GitHub introduced, ability to very quickly run VSCode in the browser for any repository hosted there. Press the . key on any repository or pull request, or swap .com with .dev in the URL, to go directly to a VS Code environment in your browser. This VSCode is a light version of the Desktop version but works entirely in Browser. And due to this, it has a limitation for extensions which was allowed to work this way. And let me introduce the new version 1.2.1 of VSCode-ObjectScript extension which now supports running in Browser mode. #Best Practices #Development Environment #InterSystems IRIS #VSCode 22 6 3 1.1K
Article Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 2, 2021 3m read How secure is password? How to check if the password is strong enough, so it will not be cracked very fast? And how to make a strong password? I've developed a tool that may help with this. You can find it on OpenExchange. Install it with zpm zpm "install passwords-tool" This module will install just one class caretdev.Passwords, which contains a few helpful methods in it #Security #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 6 4 0 434
Article Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 19, 2021 3m read Monitor production with Node-RED I would like to demonstrate how you can create monitoring of Production with Node-RED, and get a dashboard like this. #Interoperability #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 6 3 0 1.5K
Article Dmitry Maslennikov · Sep 9, 2021 3m read Connect Google Data Studio to DeepSee Previously I have already tried to play with Google Data Studio when I connected it to InterSystems FHIRaaS. It has quite a nice UI, with a few chart types available out of the box, it can be quite easily connected to some plain tables (stored as CSV or JSON, for instance), and gives the ability to build quite flexible analytics over it. So, I have decided to implement a new connector to InterSystems Analytics (DeepSee), with the ability to select a cube and do some queries on it. #Analytics #InterSystems Ideas Portal #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) Open Exchange app 3 0 0 339
Article Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 20, 2021 6m read GitHub Codespaces with IRIS Some time ago GitHub, has announced the new feature, GitHub Codespaces. It gives an ability to run VSCode in the browser, with almost the same power as it would run locally on your machine, but also with a power of clouds, so, you are able to choose the machine type with up to 32 CPU cores and 64 GB of RAM. Looks impressive, is not it? But how it could help us, to work with projects driven by InterSystems IRIS? Let's have a look, how to configure it for us. #Best Practices #Development Environment #InterSystems IRIS #VSCode 17 3 7 1K
Question Dmitry Maslennikov · Jun 9, 2021 Streams and %IsModified after %Save Found one interesting behaviour in one system with Ensemble. Some Request class has a property with type %XML.CharacterStream by design, this class is the heaviest request in the system, and with profiling journal files, it got about 40% of the file. When I counted all the sizes of such streams per one day and found that the real stored data is three times less. #Databases #Ensemble 1 3 0 369
Article Dmitry Maslennikov · Jun 5, 2021 2m read Google Data Studio Connector to FHIRaaS Google has one intersting tool named Data Studio. This tool allows creating some interactive dashboards, based on your data, available from the internet. It already offers hundreds of connectors to any sort of data developed by the community. As well as some amount of community developed visualizing. And most importantly, Google offers a way to develop your own connector to your data. FHIRaaS provides a REST API, and it's available from the internet. So I've decided to try to create some basic report on data stored there. And in the end, I got this. #FHIR #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 4 0 2 323
Question Dmitry Maslennikov · Jun 1, 2021 Mirroring Ensemble service information I have some system with heavy production. There are about 500GB of journals daily. And I'm looking at the ways, how to decrease the amount of data that appeared there. I found no way, on how to split have the journal separately for mirroring databases and for others. So, I'm thinking about moving some of the globals to CACHETEMP. So, they will disappear from journals. So, thinking about Ens.* globals, I have about 30% of data in journals just for such data. Which production data can be safely moved to CACHETEMP, with no issues for mirroring? #Interoperability #Ensemble 0 6 0 352
Article Dmitry Maslennikov · Apr 23, 2021 2m read Compile ObjectScript with SublimeText3 In addition to IntelliJ IDEA, it's now possible to configure SublimeText3 to be able to compile code there too. And what you will need is just the language server I did. #Development Environment #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 6 1 0 413
Article Dmitry Maslennikov · Apr 23, 2021 1m read IntelliJ IDEA plugin for InterSystems Let me introduce the support of InterSystems IRIS in IntelliJ IDEA. This plugin adds Syntax Highlighting support for ObjectScript, and auto import and compile on the server after saving a changed file. It uses LanguageServer written in Rust, where was added an ability to import and compile code. #Development Environment #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 4 0 0 784
Article Dmitry Maslennikov · Apr 19, 2021 2m read Grafana support for InterSystems IRIS Hello everyone, let me introduce, one of my latest projects. It is a DataSource plugin for Grafana, which can connect directly to InterSystems IRIS and gather any data (in the future). #Monitoring #System Alerting and Monitoring (SAM) #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 7 2 3 1.1K
Article Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 3, 2021 4m read Access to IRIS from Rust What do you think If I will say you, that very soon you will be able to connect to IRIS from the application written in Rust. What is Rust Rust is a multi-paradigm programming language designed for performance and safety, especially safe concurrency. Rust is syntactically similar to C++, but can guarantee memory safety by using a borrow checker to validate references. Rust achieves memory safety without garbage collection, and reference counting is optional. (c) Wikipedia #CaretDev #Deployment #Languages #VSCode #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 6 5 2 605
Discussion Dmitry Maslennikov · Nov 9, 2020 %session.Data with unlimited amount of indexes Let's imagine you have to implement a method with a definition /// Set value to %session.Data ClassMethod setValue(params...) As %Status { } How it should work do ..setValue("key1", "val") is equal to set %session.Data("key1") = "val" and do ..setValue("key1", "key2", "key3", "key4", "val") is equal to #Beginner #ObjectScript #Tips & Tricks #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 1 15 0 265
Article Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 6, 2020 6m read RealWorld Application with InterSystems IRIS Let's imagine if you would like to write some real web application, for instance, some simple clone of medium.com. Such sort of application can be written using any different language on the backend side, or with any framework on the frontend side. So many ways to do the same application, and you can look at this project. Which offers a bunch of frontends and backends realizations for exactly the same application. And you can easily mix them, any chosen frontend should work with any backend. Let me introduce the same application realization for InterSystems IRIS on a backend side. #Angular #CaretDev #Contest #JSON #OAuth2 #React #REST API #Vue.js #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 6 3 1 875