Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 28, 2022 InterSystems Package Manager ZPM 0.5.0 Release A new release of ZPM has been published 0.5.0 New in this release Added support for Python's requirements.txt file Using tokens for publishing packages Fixed various issues Python's requirements.txt Now, if your project uses Python embedded and requires some Python's dependencies, you can add requirements.txt file to the project, as usual for any Python project, file have to be in the root of a project next to module.xml. And with load command or install command, ZPM will install dependencies from that file with using pip. #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Release #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 3 2 1 242
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 3, 2022 InterSystems Package Manager ZPM 0.4.0 Release A new release of ZPM has been published 0.4.0 New in this release Added support for Deployed packages, publishing, and installation Support for multiple registry servers, e.g. public community registry, private corporate, and so on, including Python embedded code Ability to show all versions and package origin in search Fixed issue for packages with preload code The expanded limit for the length of arguments in Invoke #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Release #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 5 11 0 411
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Sep 16, 2022 InterSystems extension for Docker Desktop is now published Great news, the extension to Docker Desktop for InterSystems Container Registry is now publicly available for everyone. It is already available in the marketplace in Docker Desktop. It was published today, and it requires restarting Docker Desktop to see it. #Docker #InterSystems IRIS #Other Open Exchange app 3 0 0 290
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Jun 3, 2022 InterSystems extension for Docker Desktop Very recently Docker showed a very new feature added to their Docker Desktop tool. It was a good way to start using Docker on macOS and Windows, and they also released the same tool for Linux as well. And new feature Extensions add an ability to extend this GUI application with some extra abilities from extensions. #Development Environment #DevOps #Docker #Other Open Exchange app 1 1 0 430
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Jan 13, 2022 Populate random data that makes sense I think it's a known fact that Populate Utility has very limited functionality. It supports only one language and one country. The list of possible values does not have so many options. There is a kind of tool that now can help with it, named Faker. It has implementations in different languages, including Python. Since IRIS has now had the Embedded Python feature, Python faker can be implemented in IRIS. #Embedded Python #Python #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 5 3 0 271
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 27, 2020 VSCode-ObjectScript reached 4000 installs I am glad to say that VSCode-ObjectScript reached 4000 installs. Thanks to all of you who use it in their work. VSCode-ObjectScript is an extension for VSCode which allows you to develop InterSystems based applications on ObjectScript using the modern code editor developed by Microsoft. Choice #1 editor amongst all developers worldwide by Stackoverflow survey 2019. Some short notes about how to install and configure it you can find here. If you need any help with a migration process of your development team to VSCode, please contact us by #CaretDev #Development Environment #VSCode #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 4 3 0 296
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Sep 9, 2019 VSCode ObjectScript release 0.7.13 Hi all, it's finally time for the next release of VSCode ObjectScript extension. So what's new in this release.Debugging support, for classes, routines and attach to a running processFiles in Server Explorer now can be editedAdded more details about connection errorsImprovements in Server Explorer build treeFixed memory leak when exporting large amount of filesServer view can be opened in explorer as virtual file system with schema `isfs://`Option to suppress popup information message about successful compile, ("objectscript.suppressCompileMessages": true)Export, addCategory setting have more flexibility in naming category for exported itemsFormatting for commands and functions, as Word, UPPER or lowerSome improvements in syntax highlightingSome other small fixes #CaretDev #Development Environment #ObjectScript #VSCode #Other Open Exchange app 10 16 3 1.6K
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Jun 10, 2019 VSCode-ObjectScript release 0.7.11 Hi all, I have released the latest version of VSCode extension for ObjectScript already a month ago, and finally a time for the info about this new release. So, what's new in the release: What's new in this version added export setting "objectscript.export.addCategory" if enabled uses the previous behaviour, adds category folder to export folder, disabled by default added Server actions menu, by clicking on server info from status bar. Open Management portal, Class Reference and toggle connection. Class Suggestion in ##class, Extends, As, CompileAfter, DependsOn, PropertyClass $SYSTEM suggestion by Classes from %SYSTEM Import and compile folder or file by context menu in File Explorer Server Explorer, now possible to open any other namespace Macros suggestion For details how it works now, look further. #CaretDev #Development Environment #ObjectScript #VSCode #InterSystems IRIS #Other Open Exchange app 9 14 5 972
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · May 31, 2019 VSCode Extension for ObjectScript 1000 installs My extension has recently reached first 1000 installations. And thank you all of you, who use it and fill issues and even contribute to the project. #CaretDev #Development Environment #Other Open Exchange app 9 4 2 446
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 4, 2019 CachéQuality for VSCode now available Hope most of you already familiar with project CachéQuality from @Daniel Tamajon. For those who don’t know about it, it is a static syntax analyzer for your code written for InterSystems products. It may help you to find and solve many different types of issues in your code, and even possible bugs before clients will find it in production. So, with help of CachéQuality you will be able to deliver a better product. You can find the complete list of rules used to check ObjectScript code here. It was already available in Studio. And now it is also available in VSCode. #Development Environment #ObjectScript #VSCode #Open Exchange 5 41 1 2K
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 17, 2019 VSCode-ObjectScript next release 0.7.9 I'm pleased to announce the latest version of extensions for ObjectScript. Just a month has gone since my latest update, and I already have something new to show. Important. In this version connection to the server will be disabled by default. You have to activate connection through the settings:"" = true. #Development Environment #ObjectScript #VSCode #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 5 12 1 1K
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Jan 14, 2019 VSCode extension for InterSystems ObjectScript update I'm pleased to announce the latest version of the renewed for ObjectScript, which is now available with a lot of new features. This new extension is a fork of previously developed extension in different repository originally started by @Oleg Dmitrovich. #CaretDev #Development Environment #ObjectScript #VSCode #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 28 16 10 3.4K
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Nov 28, 2018 Advent Of Code 2018 Are you ready for the next Advent of Code this year? Just a few days left, the first puzzles will unlock on December 1st at midnight Eastern Time. #Contest #Events #ObjectScript #Other 2 4 0 525
Announcement Dmitry Maslennikov · Sep 24, 2018 CacheBlocksExplorer now available in Docker I have already mentioned my project CacheBlocksExplorer recently in two articles #Containerization #Databases #Docker #System Administration #Caché 3 0 1 326