During the realization of some required functionality, I discovered that I need to use Deflate compression, and found, that IRIS does not offer any options, $system.Util.Compress, works one way open (GZIP/COMPRESS) totally different, even for the same algorithms, I see that what I would expect as a result for Deflate somewhere there, but Compress returns something more. Is there any way to get a correct result using just ObjectScript without a need to use external tools? Was it really so difficult to have Deflate implemented in the first place?

0 7
0 279

Is there any solution to how to purge the usage of the connection in Community Edition?

I have a working portal, where can't do even any simple SQL Query

Why? Because somehow I've exceeded a license limit (pardon, connection limit, when it comes to Community Editon)

So, this page shows, 8 users ate all connections

0 5
0 229

So, I needed to start Java Gateway, and found, that it does not want to work with the latest Java versions, I tried 20, 18, 17

Start External Language Server %Java Server:

Please wait...result will show below:

2023-07-26 19:46:24 Starting Java Gateway Server '%Java Server'
2023-07-26 19:46:24 *ERROR* Return from RunStartCmd: ERROR #5049: Java version '' is not supported.
2023-07-26 19:46:25 An error occurred while trying to start the Gateway Server External Language Server failed to Start:
ERROR #5049: Java version '' is not supported.

Error, only says, that it will not work, and say nothing, about which version it wants to see

1 6
0 927

Any ideas on how this can be solved?

I need to use it with some Unicode text, in Docker image. And get this error. And documentation says nothing about it.

USER>do $zf(-100, "/SHELL", "echo", "test")

USER>do $zf(-100, "/SHELL", "echo", "test тест")

DO $ZF(-100, "/SHELL", "echo", "test тест")

I know that it works in some Linux environments without Docker, but no idea where is the difference.

0 2
0 171

So, I know that I can return a SQL Error message from my SQL Procedure written in ObjectScript, with code like this

$ cat <<EOF | irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM:SYS@localhost:1972/USER
 SET %sqlcontext.%SQLCODE = 400
 SET %sqlcontext.%ROWCOUNT = -1
 SET %sqlcontext.%Message = "test error message"

CALL test();

[SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>]
[Location: <SPFunction>]
[%msg: <test error message>]

But I did not find how to do it with Python. I can't find %sqlcontext variable available there

0 1
0 192

I have a table, with autoincremented id

    name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

I can add a new item there with an explicit id

INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (2, 'fred')

And while my id is autoincremented, I can omit it

INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('ed')

So, this time, I don't know the id, and I want to somehow get it.

I could do it with LAST_IDENTITY() function, but it just uses %RowID, and have no relation to the primary id

0 11
0 672

This is not an issue in ObjectScript, due to its typeless nature. But it's essential for external programming languages that care a bit more about types of variables.

And in any case, it's still reproducible in ObjectScript. I have table

CREATE TABLE some_table (
        id INTEGER NOT NULL, 
        x INTEGER, 
        y INTEGER, 
        z VARCHAR(50), 
        PRIMARY KEY (id)

And data

INSERT INTO some_table (id, x, y, z) VALUES (1, 1, 2, 'z1');
INSERT INTO some_table (id, x, y, z) VALUES (2, 2, 3, 'z2');
INSERT INTO some_table (id, x, y, z) VALUES (3, 3, 4, 'z3');
INSERT INTO some_table (id, x, y, z) VALUES (4, 4, 5, 'z4');

1 11
0 659

Found one interesting behaviour in one system with Ensemble. Some Request class has a property with type %XML.CharacterStream by design, this class is the heaviest request in the system, and with profiling journal files, it got about 40% of the file. When I counted all the sizes of such streams per one day and found that the real stored data is three times less.

1 3
0 348

I have some system with heavy production. There are about 500GB of journals daily. And I'm looking at the ways, how to decrease the amount of data that appeared there.

I found no way, on how to split have the journal separately for mirroring databases and for others. So, I'm thinking about moving some of the globals to CACHETEMP. So, they will disappear from journals. So, thinking about Ens.* globals, I have about 30% of data in journals just for such data. Which production data can be safely moved to CACHETEMP, with no issues for mirroring?

0 6
0 316

Doing a new project with %JSON.Adaptor, unexpectedly realized that %JSON.Adaptor does not support export to native JSON. %JSONExport just outputs directly to the current device, and there are two more methods %JSONExportToString, and %JSONExportToStream.

In conjunction with generating REST from swagger specification, where any generated method accepts as a result %DynamicObject, which is good.

I have multiple places in my REST where I have to return JSON for an object, but I have to modify the result a bit, just extend it with some other way.

1 7
2 843

Okay, we've got a quite useful way to very easily Import and export our objects as JSON, similar to what we already had before for XML.

So, It's a %JSON.Adaptor. But the issue here I faced with, working with Stream properties.

I have an example, when I generate an object, with stream binary stream properties. Export and Import the same, but getting the different resulting objects, depends on the original size of streams.

0 6
1 1.4K

When I tried to migrate one of ZEN applications to IRIS from 2018.1 I'm faced with the issue with Login Page, in this case used some ZEN page, completely customized. But when a user tries to get access, he gets the error like below.

The requested URL /csp/user/User.Login.cls was not found on this server.

I tried to test it with a fresh just created login page class

Class User.Login Extends %CSP.Page

ClassMethod OnPage() As %Status
  Quit $$$OK


Set it to /csp/user application as Login page, and

0 4
1 861
· Jan 12, 2020
Timeout for $zf

In one of the projects, when we have ECP with 10 ECP application servers, from time to time we faced the issue when our journals fail to purge, due to open transactions. While we have about 100-150 GB journal files per day, it quite quickly became a big issue, and with mirroring a very big issue. Mostly we just rebooted our ECP Data server, so it searches rollbacks any transactions, but such process is too long, may steal a few hours. I did not find any way, how to get the list of the open transactions from one place from ECP Data Server. We just migrated our Data server to 2018.1.

3 4
0 901

Well, we now have two different platforms Caché and IRIS. With so many changes, that it makes so many difficulties to have the same sources for both platforms. I'm not arguing about the reasons for it. Some of the changes are really reasonable.

It's good when I can import code from Caché to IRIS and get it worked after all background job was done. In Caché we have %CacheStorage type used for Storages. In IRIS it automatically converts to %Storage.Persistent. So, If I develop on IRIS, I will have incompatible sources for Caché.

0 6
0 521

Let's imagine you have only SQL. You need some table where you should increment value in some property when you update this line.

We have the table

  "identifier"   VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
  "value"        INTEGER,
  PRIMARY KEY ("identifier")

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0 714