Started some work using WorkMgr, but then I noticed, that it stuck and does not get any responses from workers anymore

And I found that messages log contains logs about dead processes, why WorkMgr daemon did not restart died processes?

How to restart them without restarting IRIS

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What is the point of having a dedicated registry if it does not work properly most of the time?

$ docker pull
latest-em: Pulling from intersystems/iris-community
5526e9f3d5c5: Already exists
352b407541ae: Already exists
f6bff04f5338: Already exists
8c3b528467ff: Downloading [=======================>                           ]  125.8MB/262.2MB
e2b23b0bff05: Downloading [=============>                                     ]  124.8MB/462.1MB
failed to copy: httpReadSeeker: failed open: could not fetch content descriptor sha256:8c3b528467ff8cc07d86a4979e3e7b8fd36734205539923c8750e1d523f23367 (application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip) from remote: not found

0 2
0 276

How to understand what's wrong with compilation if the compilator just hides errors?

Compilation started on 05/15/2023 15:58:11 with qualifiers 'cuk'

Detected 1 errors during compilation in 0.003s.

Compilation started on 05/15/2023 15:58:32 with qualifiers 'cuk'

Detected 1 errors during compilation in 0.002s.

Compilation started on 05/15/2023 15:58:51 with qualifiers 'cuk'

Detected 40 errors during compilation in 0.089s.

40 errors, and what do I have to do with this so valuable information?

1 10
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Trying to make some scripts to do some IRIS initialization during startup, I noticed that iris start and particularly stop takes too much time, and it starts to many processes in the background.

nostu is mostly useless for system initialization but could help in some scenarios, such as setup passwords, but it is still too slow

irisowner@4ea1bfb50b7f:~$ time iris start iris nostu
Starting IRIS
Using 'iris.cpf' configuration file

Starting Control Process
Global buffer setting requires attention.  Auto-selected 25% of total memory.
Allocated 7417MB shared memory
6002MB global buffers, 600MB routine buffers
Creating a WIJ file to hold 99 megabytes of data
InterSystems IRIS is started in single user mode.
To log into InterSystems IRIS, type:
    iris session IRIS -B

real    0m0.513s
user    0m0.090s
sys     0m0.207s

For instance, I have no idea why it starts so many AUX processes, even during NOSTU. With a normal start with no extra volumes attached, just plain start, I see no reasons to have so many AUX processes as well.

2011 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb -s/usr/irissys/mgr/ -w/usr/irissys/mgr/ -cc -B -Enostu -C/usr/irissys/iris.cpf*IRIS
 2052 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb WD                                                                                 
 2053 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb GC                                                                                 
 2054 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb JD                                                                                 
 2055 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX2                                                                               
 2056 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX1                                                                               
 2057 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX5                                                                               
 2058 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX7                                                                               
 2059 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX4                                                                               
 2060 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX3                                                                               
 2061 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX6                                                                               
 2062 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb DBXD

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I have table

        name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, 
        parent VARCHAR(50), 
        PRIMARY KEY (name), 
        FOREIGN KEY(parent) REFERENCES nodes (name) ON UPDATE cascade

I put some data

INSERT INTO nodes (name, parent) VALUES ('n1', NULL);
INSERT INTO nodes (name, parent) VALUES ('n11', 'n1');
INSERT INTO nodes (name, parent) VALUES ('n12', 'n1');
INSERT INTO nodes (name, parent) VALUES ('n13', 'n1');

Let's delete all


Nope, no way.

SQL Error [124] [S1000]: [SQLCODE: <-124>:<FOREIGN KEY constraint failed referential check upon DELETE of row in referenced table>]
[Location: <ServerLoop>]
[%msg: <At least 1 Row exists in table 'SQLUser.nodes' which references key 'NODESPKey2' - Foreign Key Constraint 'NODESFKey3', Field(s) 'parent' failed on referential action of NO ACTION>]

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