Hello community,

I'd like to briefly announce three new packages, available on the Open Exchange / through ZPM, that can really help accelerate modern full-stack application development on IRIS. I announced all of these in a Global Summit session last week, but you may have missed it - and I hear there's a full-stack application development contest coming up!

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I'm trying to write a method that runs an OS command with $zf(-100,"/ASYNC") and then waits for it to finish before returning, but I can't figure out how to check if the child process (in $zchild) is still running. $System.Process.State($zchild) always returns "RUN" even once the child process is gone. Is there some better way to check this, short of running another OS-specific command and processing the output (which is just really annoying and unelegant)?

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I'm in a tricky situation where a new required property is being added to a class, along with an index on it. The existing data has nulls, so the index build fails. I can't run a query to update the rows where there are nulls, because it tries to use the index, which hasn't been built yet.

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· Mar 17, 2021 3m read
Making the most of $Query

I ran into an interesting ObjectScript use case today with a general solution that I wanted to share.

Use case:

I have a JSON array (specifically, in my case, an array of issues from Jira) that I want to aggregate over a few fields - say, category, priority, and issue type. I then want to flatten the aggregates into a simple list with the total for each of the groups. Of course, for the aggregation, it makes sense to use a local array in the form:

agg(category, priority, type) = total

Such that for each record in the input array I can just:

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· Jul 8, 2020 7m read
Tips for debugging with %Status


If you're solving complex problems in ObjectScript, you probably have a lot of code that works with %Status values. If you have interacted with persistent classes from an object perspective (%Save, %OpenId, etc.), you have almost certainly seen them. A %Status provides a wrapper around a localizable error message in InterSystems' platforms. An OK status ($$$OK) is just equal to 1, whereas a bad status ($$$ERROR(errorcode,arguments...)) is represented as a 0 followed by a space followed by a $ListBuild list with structured information about the error. $System.Status (see class reference) provides several handy APIs for working with %Status values; the class reference is helpful and I won't bother duplicating it here. There have been a few other useful articles/questions on the topic as well (see links at the end). My focus in this article will be on a few debugging tricks techniques rather than coding best practices (again, if you're looking for those, see links at the end).

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Over the past year or so, my team (Application Services at InterSystems - tasked with building and maintaining many of our internal applications, and providing tools and best practices for other departmental applications) has embarked on a journey toward building Angular/REST-based user interfaces to existing applications originally built using CSP and/or Zen. This has presented an interesting challenge that may be familiar to many of you - building out new REST APIs to existing data models and business logic.

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