Given a complex method flagged with [ SqlProc ] so it is available as an SQL stored procedure, what's the best way to report a non-system error detected in that method - say, for example, an error %Status - so that the SQL query calling it fails descriptively? Is it best to create and throw an exception, or are there special % variables involved (like in a trigger)? I haven't been able to find an answer in the documentation.

Thanks in advance!

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The topic of for/while loop performance in Caché ObjectScript came up in discussion recently, and I'd like to share some thoughts/best practices with the rest of the community. While this is a basic topic in itself, it's easy to overlook the performance implications of otherwise-reasonable approaches.

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In the subscriptions e-mails I get (digested), the URLs are typically wrapped across lines, like:

| Post link:



|01610  Direct unsubscribe link (content type):

My mail client can't handle this, of course; the link doesn't work. (The actual link in this case is: )

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There have been a few use cases recently within InterSystems where we've needed to connect to Caché-based web services from PHP. The first of these was actually the Developer Community itself, which uses web services as part of Single Sign-On with other InterSystems sites/applications. The following example demonstrates how to connect to a Caché-based web service (particularly, the web service in the SAMPLES namespace) from PHP, using password authentication.

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0 2.7K

Is the default language (i.e., $$$DefaultLanguage, which is used as the basis for localization with $$$Text/etc. at compile time) always "en" for new Caché installations, or could it be different? How is this determined? I don't see an option to select a language during Caché installation.

Also, is there a supported/preferred API for setting the default language? Looking at, one option would be:

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I'm revisiting some older projects that can benefit from the new JSON support and dynamic object capabilities in 2016.1 FT / 2016.2 FT. (Particularly, some of the really new features in the latest 2016.2 FT.)
For the particular thing I'm working on, it would be very handy to be able to merge objects, similarly to The closest thing I've found so far (in 2016.2 only) is:

Set o1 = {"a":1,"c":2}, o2 = {"b":1,"c":1}
Write "o1: ",o1.$toJSON(),!

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