
I'm trying to export a XML stream containing some files that are supposed to have been written using UTF-8, but I'm facing some broken encoding issues.
You can see below that I'm indeed viewing a UTF-8 encoded and which is inside the CSP folder and encoded correctly (although displaying it on Studio would not display it correctly as the file is not using BOM and that's intentional).

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I am reading in an X12 document into my production that needs to be processed and returned as a CSV file. I have created a record map to support the fields I want to extract with a batch class to store headers. I have a DTL mapping the data to the appropriate fields in the record map and am sending the record map to a EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.BatchFileOperation.

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We have a data transformation where source is object collection (populated from a json file) and target is EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document.

If source file is large enough, transformation fails and we get <store> error and I quickly found this:

https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EBPLR_DTL_foreach which at the bottom in "Avoiding <STORE> Errors with Large Messages" section tells to:

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0 385

Hi all,

is it possible to omit the typical XML header line

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

when writing an the contents of a EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document using the above mentioned operation. I´ve already digged into the config value Format. It only states that:

C(e) : output an XML header line declaring character encoding e. If e is empty use the encoding defined by the Adapter. If e begins with ! force the output stream's encoding. Note that this will be applied automatically for File Operations configured with a non-UTF-8 Charset

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Hello everyone, I'm new to COS development. I'm trying to generate a simple XML file based on a query and save into my server. I'm looking for stuff to get it done, if anyone has a tutorial or a step-by-step post on how to do it. My difficulty is just in generating the XML file.

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Hello everyone!
I need to have a ResultSet of type % SQL.Statement show its contents when it is trafficked in a message property by Business Process.
I tried to use the % XML.DataSet type that inherits properties of type % XML.Adaptor, but did not work.
Is there any other way to traffic as an object, other than within a Stream?

Note: I can not traffic Streams and I will not be able to use Correlate in this case.

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· Feb 18, 2019
%String to XML


I've got a string variable which I need to convert into a XML one.

My main goal here is to use the XML bit I've extracted from a HTML file in a message I need to pass over to an operation.

I'm doing the following which always errors

classMethod WriteNodes(myfile As %String)
Set status=##class(%XML.TextReader).ParseString(myfile,.reader)


Any easy way of making this happen?

Kind regards

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1 1.7K

Hello all,

I have an XSL question and I wanted to see if someone within a community can help me out.

To Summarize: I am working with XSL documents, single and multi-pages.
Inside my style sheet XML document, which is supporting my pages, everything on the page, including a headers, footers and the items are calculated
based on the portrait measurements.
Pages come up on the screen as portrait, but sometimes, depending on dynamic data are wide, they do not print properly in portrait.

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I am validating a v3 document against one xsd and using %XML.SAX.ContentHandler class . My requirment is to find the xpath of the error location. There is no method which does it.

I can find the line and offset using LocatePosition method.

Can someone help me on this.



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For each instance of an XML-enabled class I want to control whether a property is projected as an empty element or not projected at all. With string properties, I can set the value as $c(0) for an empty element, or an empty string for no projection. But it looks like this isn't consistent for properties with type %Boolean or %Integer. With booleans $c(0) gets projected as "false". With integers $c(0) stays as a zero-width space in the XML output (which gives me a SAX parser error if I try to read it).

Is there a way to do this that works for all datatype properties?

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I have an Ens.StreamContainer which holds XML that was received, and I need to validate that against an XSD schema. The schema is very simple, only looking at the root element and maybe a couple other items to ensure the XML is what we expect before continuing the data flow.

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I have a class extends %Persistent & %XML.Adaptor

It has 100 properties for example

Now I do intend to create a xml schema that I can import in Ensemble->XMLSchemas

I did try to use XMLExportToString and %XMLWriter.GetXMLString

but didn't give me a proper schema. May be I am missing some small step

Can someone pls help

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I have very recently started to work with Ensemble and have both the 2014 and the 2017 version.

To learn, I have created a small test flow that takes an xml file using EnsLib.EDI.XML.Service.FileService, sends it to a Process that transforms it with xslt into another format, and then passes it onwards to a EnsLib.EDI.XML.Operation.FileOperation Business Operation.

This is the code that I have before and when sending it onwards:

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Connections/ SOAP Operations to 3rd Parties can hold some challenges like the 3rd party changes it 's structures/ WSDL and returns an additional property in a SOAP response. So I have tried to implement the XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG in the proxy SOAP response structures , but in Ensemble this seems to get ignored.

Are there any good suggestions on how to handle this an ideal would have been that the other party inform you of changes before hand....

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I'm writing a SOAP client in Ensemble (2017.2.2) that is required to pass empty elements to the SOAP server in the form <xsi:type="ns:ResponsibleUser"/> where ResponsibleUser is a class that itself has no properties. I initially thought I'd found the answer with the XMLIGNORENULL parameter of XML enabled classes but this didn't make any difference for SOAP requests, only working when I wrote the XML to a file.

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