
I just updated Atelier to 1.01.263 and now many of the Atelier icons/images are blurry and the spacing in the Atelier Explorer doesn't look right. This is on Windows 10. Is this a known issue? Are there any settings I need to adjust?

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For reasons that I won't go into here, I need to run Cache Terminal in Linux using Wine.

It starts up ok, but when I try to establish a connection to a remote server I get the following error:

Ctermsecure Read Error
Could not obtain terminal server client name.
Reason: (10035, 0x2733) unknown error

If I launch CTerm.exe from a command line then I get the following:

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I realize that Cache Studio is the standard method to edit routines. However, some clients make it difficult to access their server that supports Studio. Is there an editor that can be run from the programmer prompt that allows simple WYSIWYG editing of routines? I know there is a %Routine class that you can use to do command-line editing, but I am looking for a full screen editor.

What was the standard in OpenVMS Cache before there was Cache Studio?


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