With the release of InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL, we're getting more frequent questions about how to establish secure connections over JDBC and other driver technologies. While we have nice summary and detailed documentation on the driver technologies themselves, our documentation does not go as far to describe individual client tools, such as our personal favourite DBeaver. In this article, we'll describe the steps to create a secure connection from DBeaver to your Cloud SQL deployment.

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I am trying to connect the external application. Authenticating via Two SSL,

I have the Client Cert, Private key and the Root Certificate

The connection is successful from local (both via terminal and as well via Postman)

But when trying from IRIS application by configuring the certificates in the SSL configuration, i am not able to successfully verify the SSl connections

When test from the ssl configuration with the endpoint and port its gives the error Error #988: SSL connection failed. SSL/TLS error in SSL_read(), SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: I/O error (54)

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We're excited to continue to roll out new features to InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL, such as the new Vector Search capability that was first released with InterSystems IRIS 2024.1. Cloud SQL is a cloud service that offers exactly that: SQL access in the cloud. That means you'll be using industry-standard driver technologies such as JDBC, ODBC, and DB-API to connect to this service and access your data. The documentation describes in proper detail how to configure the important driver-level settings, but doesn't cover specific third-party tools as - as you can imagine - there's an infinite number of them.

In this article, we'll complement that reference documentation with more detailed steps for a popular third-party data visualization tool that several of our customers use to access IRIS-based data: Microsoft Power BI.

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In this article we are going to see how we can use the WhatsApp instant messaging service from InterSystems IRIS to send messages to different recipients. To do this we must create and configure an account in Meta and configure a Business Operation to send the messages we want.

Let's look at each of these steps in more detail.

Setting up an account on Meta

This is possibly the most complicated point of the entire configuration, since we will have to configure a series of accounts until we can have the messaging functionality.

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· Nov 12, 2023
SSL Certificate Error


I have recently created a HA by "Cloning" the existing server. Everything worked fine until I have to failover the Primary in order to process. The Backup Failover member successfully promoted to the status of primary. Everything was working fine except on one of the Services, I receieved the following error message;

> ERROR #6156: No match between server name 'Test111b.domain.local' and SSL certificate values 'Test111a.domain.local'.

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I am trying to setup a OAuth2.0 configuration to connect to a server within our Network using OAuth2.0. My previous attempt worked, however forgot to capture the steps before I had whipped the System so please bear with me.

I have an SSL/TLS Client configuration setup as we use the setup for our LDAP configuration.

When I go through the following steps within the Terminal, I am getting the following error...

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I am trying to connect to another server using %Net.HttpRequest.

I keep getting this error : SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unsupported protocol.

My guess is that the site I am reaching for uses TLS1.3 which is not supported in 2016, But I cant right now ask my client to upgrade.

Is it possible to override this ? install some kind of a patch or a more recent version of openssl on the server ?



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I'm trying to configure an SSL/TSL configuration in our test environment so we can send ADT messages to an external server. I've verified connectivity/firewall to the external server.

type is set to Client, Server certificate verification is set to Require.

I have received a certificate from the external supplier and linked that in the "File containing trusted Certificate Authjority certificate" field. (I've also imported it into the cert store and tried using %OSCertificateStore).

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Question for folks who have connected to an External FHIR repository outside of IRIS. Within the HS.FHIRServer.Interop.HTTPOperation there is not an option to include TLS or an OAuth authentication when connecting to an external Repository. So then how is that piece done if you need to Authenticate against an OAuth Server before you are able to access the data or call the Web Services/REST calls?

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Up until recently, I have been toying around with REST/FHIR capabilities but only internally. Now I have a request to make REST API calls outside of our Network.

I am using an RSA 4096 key, because Microsoft Active Directory Services which generates the signed certificate could not handle the Elliptical Key (ECC) when I put the request in.

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