
I try to open an existing log file and append to it. In Windows I use Open file:(NRW):1. I would expect it to append to the file, but each time I execute the code I get only the new entries, the prior file content is lost.

What is the proper syntax top open a file in "Append" mode?

I will deploy this code in Linux. Is there a different syntax to open a file in Linux versus Windows?


Oliver Wilms

0 1
0 784
· Jun 14, 2017
Linux Server or Windows Server

We are in the process of using Ensemble for HL7 translations, and wanted to know is it better to use it on Linux Server or Windows Server? We are mostly a Windows shop but just wanted to make sure there is nothing we will be missing out using the Windows application.

0 3
0 567
· Jan 23, 2017
FieldTest for Ubuntu


Is there a install kit available for ubuntu. I have tried the Suse Install kit .

Got: The installer can't find a platform in this distribution supported by your system



0 5
0 524

What are the best steps for troubleshooting printing to a Windows printer from Cache. The printer has been configured in the Windows Printer Manager and has been able to print a test page (from the windows print manager).

The device has been configured in Cache -> Sys Admin -> Config -> Device Settings -> Devices with properly formatted |PRN|printer device name and "W" for open parameters and 101 for Alias.

0 2
0 519