· Sep 26, 2021
Modifying %Stream contents

I have a %Stream that I want to insert some text into the middle of. I create a new stream called pNewContentStream from the original stream, then I do a MoveTo in pNewContentStream to get to the byte position I want to insert into but when I do my Write, my pNewContentStream gets obliterated with only the text that I wrote, the original content goes away and all I'm left with is my Write text.

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I have a terminal script that queries sys.process' and then parses the results writing to a logfile. As part of the processing of the results, each row of the result set includes an element from the static string. But I am not clear on the scoping of the static string. The write statement sees the static string as undefined. What I want is something to the affect:

set statStr = "aa|bb|.."

set sqlStatement = xxx

set tState = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()

set qStat = tState.%Prepare(< sql statement> )

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I'm experiencing a recurrent problem that I haven't found the way to solve, so I'm coming here with the hope somebody can give me a new approach.

To make it short: we are creating categories on-demand to be able to place the maximum numbers of workers in memory, avoiding the limits established by system categories. But from time to time, one of this creation fails and system is no able to start the queue. The error we are getting is:

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· Sep 15, 2021
day of the month

Hello everyone
I use cache script, I would like to know from you if there is any function or class in the cache where I can get the start and end date of a given month:
Example: What is the first and last day of the month of February 2015.


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Hello Everyone

I am new to cache. I know there are 2 types of methods in cache. One is Instance method (Which can be call through object creation of particular class) and other is Class methods (which can be call through ##Class(MyPackage.Car).CarModels()).

I want to know the difference when to create a instance method vs when to create a class methods.

Thanks in advance!!.

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0 192

After linking in Oracle Table with Field Column's Data Types of NUMBER, my updates into these table fields are resulting in data that is being rounded to 2 decimal places. I insert a record with 1234.1234 and 1234.12 is stored.

It appears Cache xDBC might be manipulating my values prior to sending to Oracle. Is there a setting or system parameter that is controlling this? If so, is there a way to relax this from occurring so the values I send are being stored in Oracle with the same values?

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0 425

Hey everyone as you may know I am a beginner and I am kindly asking for some assistance in a problem I have been solving. The problem is that I am calling a user defined function within a procedure called occupiedseatsAdj and the compiler comes up with this error.

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· Jul 28, 2021
%XML.Reader Limitations

Hi all,

Are there limitations to the size of a file or stream that %XML.Reader will parse?

I am trying to parse a large, 573MB, XML file using either the 'OpenFile' or 'OpenStream' methods, but both return errors.

When I try to use the 'OpenStream' method I get a 'ERROR #6301: SAX XML Parser Error: input ended before all started tags were ended' error',

and when I try the 'OpenFile' method I get a 'ERROR #6301: SAX XML Parser Error: <STORE>'.

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0 359

I have a routine tag that takes an argument and I want this argument to be an array reference. So I try something like:

do mytag(.myarr)

The mytag tag, adds subscripts to myarr.

When I evaluate myarr after the tag call, only the subscripts passed in are retained in myarr. The subscripts added by mytag are missing. Is there a way to pass an array so it will behave the way I want it to?

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in order to do analysis on huge data volumes, it is better to take you data to a separate machine for analysis away from the operational machine, so trying to write huge globals or tables into files as is would take a huge space, what could be a solution or best practice ? python for instance, there is the pickling option (serializes data to byte string and saves it to a file) to save space, what could be best in object script ?

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0 1.2K


Does anyone have a cleaner approach than this for looping through grouped NTE segments in order to set the segment ID in an ORM? I am aiming to avoid the NTE segments that may follow the PID segment and find the NTE's that follow the OBR segment. By using the below If statement in the While loop, I'm finding NTE's that have comments in the fourth field (PID NTE's tend not to have these in the messaging I'm seeing, I'm awaiting confirmation on this), as well as finding my newly inserted NTE segment using $FIND to locate the colon (I've concatenated some values).

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0 366


When for any particular reason I need to update a record and don't want to pull the triggers, the keyword %NOTRIGGER can be used. But I've been trying to do the same when I change the row using the object approach, but I can't find it. Anyone knows if it's possible to avoid pulling triggers when working with objects?

Sadly, the utility "DISABLE^%NOTRIGGER" doesn't seem to exist ;-)

Thank you,

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0 239
· Jul 13, 2021
Initialise object list

How do you initialise a list of objects of a particular type?

I have tried the following code and I get an undefined when I try to insert.

I can do this and it works but I don't know if it is correct.

Is there any way to do something like this?

Set a= New list of Accciones()

Thank you.

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0 246
· Jul 13, 2021
Method return List of type

Good afternoon I am making a method of a class that I want to return a list of objects of another class that I have defined, example:

ClassMethod myMethod() As list of MyPackage.MyClass

But it gives me a syntax error, I try this and it works:

ClassMethod myMethod() As %ListOfObjects

But I would like to keep the typing.

Is there a way?

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0 389

Hello All

I'm running into an issue performing UPDATES that I'm not getting on INSERTS. It's probably obvious, but I'm just not seeing it and could use a little help.

I'm going over an HL7 message and depending upon varying criteria, the relevent variables will get items added to them like the following:

Set patientId = pRequest.GetValueAt("PID:3")
Set sqlColumns = sqlColumns_",patient_id"
Set sqlValues = sqlValues_",?"
Set par($i(p)) = patientId

After compiling the variables, I check to see if accession number is found in the table.

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