
Is it possible to write global output values to STDOUT, in a similar way to how csession can take routine intput, like below:

(In Cache Terminal)

%SYS>d ##class(%SYSTEM.License).ShowSummary()

License Server summary view of active key.

Distributed license use:

Current License Units Used = 1

Maximum License Units Used = 1

License Units Authorized = 200

Local license use:

Current Connections = 1 Maximum Connections = 1

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0 546

Hello Community,

How do i disable an operation explicitly based on a value in a variable?

I set the ReplyCodeAction to E=D.

In the Operation Code i am throwing an explicit ERROR

THROW ##class(%Exception.General).%New("Shutting Down Operation",999,,"My own special exception")

But my operation still remains up.

Any suggestions please will be appreciated.

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0 287

Hi, I am trying to transform a message to meet a third party specification, and would like to know if you can advice me on how to separate a single OBX segment into several segments based on a '.'

I would like to separate the segment where the . [marked in red] is into another OBX segment. So the next segment would be:

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I'm using Cache 2014.1 in an openVMS environment.

If I have multiple RMS files to clean up, for example.




Do ##class(%Library.File).ComplexDelete(FILE)

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Hey Intersystems-Developer,

I have already used that and know its possible, but can't find it anymore :(

I need dynamic access on proxy objects. For example:

set key = "lastName"

set name = obj.name

set lastName = obj.key <- Not possible

set lastName = obj.GetAt(key) <- Not possible

How can I get access to that object with my dynamic variable "key" ?

Best regards.

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0 283

Hi guys!

As you know there are two (at least) ways to get the stored value of the property of InterSystems IRIS class if you know the ID of an instance (or a record).

1. Get it by as a property of an instance with "Object access":

ClassMethod GetPropertyForID(stId As %Integer) As %String


set obj=..%OpenId(stId)

return obj.StringData


2. Get it as a value of a column of the record with "SQL access":

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· Jun 25, 2019
Cache Ensemble


Working on to learn very basic CUSTOM Business Service which sends to a EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation.

But operation is not writing to File and erroring out (No Stream contained in StreamContainer Request")'.

How do convert the object to STREAM and wrap in the StreamContainer so the operation does not error and write to a file.


Persistent Class

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Can anyone please provide me with a guide I can follow to create an entry in Cache's SSL/TLS configuration that would allow me to "speak" to an website via the Post method using SSL.

I need to simulate functionality that is provided by my browser but from with Cache.

The topics I have are:

1. From where do I source the certificate that will be used for this process?

2. What processing must I do on it to make it acceptable for Cache's SSL/TLS

3. What settings are required when filling the the form

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1 2.3K
· Jun 13, 2019
When is a number not a number?

Noticed some unexpected behavior when using $ZTH

Resultant values less than 1 are treated as strings and values >=1 are numbers. Causing heartburn in $Query / $Next / $Order loops. Is there a setting somewhere that can change this?


// Parse the time out of a text string whose format is YYYYMMDDHHMMSSsssssssss (lower case s = fractional parts)

Set MsgDT = "20180405000000001005933"
Set MsgDTH = $ZTH(($E(MsgDT,9,10)_":"_$E(MsgDT,11,12)_":"_$E(MsgDT,13,14)_"."_$E(MsgDT,15,23)),1)

//Do it again, but add a sec to the time string

0 7
1 437

I am trying to pull the word count from Microsoft Word document into Cache. Is there anyway to get the values of the extended file properties without opening the word document? If I right click on a word document (Word does not need to be installed) I can see the additional properties that I want to reference however don't know how to access these without calling out to VBA or poweshell.

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0 352
· Jun 6, 2019
DICOM document path querying

Say you have a DICOM document with an input information sequence with many sequence items. You could access every item one by one by looping and querying the path by passing it to the GetValueAt method as demonsrated below.

This works but there are some performance issues on my system if the document has to be read for each query (as far as I know, that is the case on my system). Is there a way of querying a path, which would return the sequence items as an array? I think I am missing something. With 900 items the process takes around 20 seconds currently.

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0 238

I have a custom process that is parsing HL7 and inserting it into a table. Periodically the inserts fail with # due to error: ERROR #5803: Failed to acquire exclusive lock on instance of....

Traditional databases would wait until the lock is removed then do the insert, but cache fails. I'm sure it's my coding approach.

How can I work around this? A Try/Catch loop?

Thanks in advance.

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0 842


I assume there is a simple explanation for this, but I do get <OBJECT DISPATCH> error, when I am trying to set a global to a value.

My example is huge, but I reproduced it using Samples namespace:

First I delete the Title from ##class(Cinema.Film) - 3


SAMPLES>s ref=##class(Cinema.Film).%OpenId(3)
SAMPLES>w ref.Title

SAMPLES>set ^AK(1)=$G(ref.Title)

SET ^AK(1)=$G(ref.Title)
<OBJECT DISPATCH> *Property 'Title' in class 'Cinema.Film' must be MultiDimensional

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0 733
· May 24, 2019
Unlock the records


I want to search a process ID in Object Script using the reference variable e.g. 1119102928 and kill that process ID. Please guide how it can be achieved.

Thanks in advance.

Vinay Purohit

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· Apr 10, 2019
Incremental Compile Issues

First, my $ZVERSION:

Cache for OpenVMS/ALPHA V7.x (Alpha) 2010.1.6 (Build 952_2 + Adhoc 17754) 3-JAN-2018 14:32:54.07

Second, my issue:

I believe my current villain is “incremental compiling.” I was able to compare early compile output with later compile output:

Compilation started on 04/10/2019 10:46:32 with qualifiers 'cuk'
Compiling class UnitTests.Task3496 incremental compile detected
Compiling routine UnitTests.Task3496.2
Compilation finished successfully in 0.800s.

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0 358
· May 7, 2019
Linked Tables and Dialects

Hi! I've been fiddling with linked tables to get data from other servers, and I encountered a problem that I'm curious about. Maybe I'm not using these tools as intended or there's more going on, so I'm asking here.

I'm running a query on linked table A, something simple like this:

select name from A where id = 5983658923646

And I get this error:

[SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>]

[%msg: <>]

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0 507


I was trying to create a query that can be exposed as a stored procedure (function actually) that would return a resultset with a random number of columns.

Unfortunately, it seems that unless I specify the ROWSPEC annotation on the Query method, I won't get any columns exposed. I was hoping to implement QueryNameGetInfo method and specify the names and number of columns I would be returning dynamically. But it seems that GetInfo information is simply ignored.

Here is my code:

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0 597

Well, we now have two different platforms Caché and IRIS. With so many changes, that it makes so many difficulties to have the same sources for both platforms. I'm not arguing about the reasons for it. Some of the changes are really reasonable.

It's good when I can import code from Caché to IRIS and get it worked after all background job was done. In Caché we have %CacheStorage type used for Storages. In IRIS it automatically converts to %Storage.Persistent. So, If I develop on IRIS, I will have incompatible sources for Caché.

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0 487
· May 3, 2019
Extract string

Hi There

I created function to manage string as requirement extract the first two letter of each word after space for example:

Text = "Review symptoms to report with patient"

After passed function it will be return "Resytorewipa"


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