
Can anyone please explain me how to remove trailing squares from the text field (String). Trailing squares is a white space ?

I tried different things like Ltrim, Trim from sql query side and also from object scripting side something below.

If Address1 set Address1 = $ZSTRIP(Address1,"<>P,<>C,<>W")
If Address1 set Address1 = $ZSTRIP(Address1,"$C(9), $C(32), $C(160)")
If Address1 set Address1 = $ZSTRIP(Address1,"*W,*C")

Nothing works for me

Can anyone please help me to solve this


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· Nov 22, 2016
Cache Syntax - Directory Exists

I am trying to write some code to check to see if a directory exists before creating a new directory.

When I do the following I am not getting a response, but the directory exists..

do ##class(%File).DirectoryExists("/ensemble/")

am I missing something?

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0 865
· Mar 8, 2018
Parallel execution in COS

Hello community,

I need to perform some processing-heavy operations on a set of input objects and I would like to utilize more than a single processor core to do the heavy lifting.

Is there any way to call methods in parallel and wait for the results in a blocking way?

Basically, I am looking for an equivalent of the pythonese

with Pool(n) as p:
results = p.map(function, data)



EDIT: Correct English :)

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0 481

I checked out a Git-Branch and want to Import all Objectscript-Objects to my localhost.

While using Import without Compilation I receive a lot of errors.

request to failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED

While using Import and Compile I receive much more of this errors.

Is there a setting, that I have to key in?

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0 357
· Jul 13, 2021
Method return List of type

Good afternoon I am making a method of a class that I want to return a list of objects of another class that I have defined, example:

ClassMethod myMethod() As list of MyPackage.MyClass

But it gives me a syntax error, I try this and it works:

ClassMethod myMethod() As %ListOfObjects

But I would like to keep the typing.

Is there a way?

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0 389

Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble parsing XML containing unicode characters which I receive from an external webservice. I believe my file is saved properly with UTF-8 encoding but the SAX Parser still throws me an error.

I have 2 classmethods: 1 general one (get) to make a request to a webservice and return the date, and 1 (getSportsPerDate) to make a specific call and then parse the data.

0 5
0 2.2K

I am currently working on a issue with WRC on one of my Inbound SQL Adapters not returning all the records it should be. If I looked at the count of the records in Ensemble and compare it to that of a Microsoft SQL View, Ensemble seems to be off by a few records here and there. I am using a full dynamic select statement in my settings of the adapter.

SELECT Text, PhysicianLastName, PhysicianFirstName, PhysicianAddress1, PhysicianAddress2, PhysicianCity,

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0 723


I have a routing rule that calls some utility classmethods, but for some reason the compiled version insists on linking to a utility function in a different package.

The call to 'SendToEaling(HL7)' in isn't compiling to a call to the LNWTIEPackage as expected:


but is instead becoming a call to the LNWDeploy package

0 5
1 377

I am updating the PV1 segment with values from the database but when I get two values back I dont know how to separate them with a tilde and insert. Any advice for me on that?

so if I get two values returned

my PV1.7 segment should be :

My current code is as below: It works fine for one value, but when there are more than 2 values returned I need to find a way to include it

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0 263


I was trying to create a query that can be exposed as a stored procedure (function actually) that would return a resultset with a random number of columns.

Unfortunately, it seems that unless I specify the ROWSPEC annotation on the Query method, I won't get any columns exposed. I was hoping to implement QueryNameGetInfo method and specify the names and number of columns I would be returning dynamically. But it seems that GetInfo information is simply ignored.

Here is my code:

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0 601

Hello All

I'm not sure what the best practice is for this. I have a DTL for returning ORUs back to a hospital in a different time zone. They have requested that various timestamps have the time zone offset added to the HL7 format (%q%k, I think). First, I just wanted to be sure the system was aware it was DST. I was able to determine if DST is in effect like this:

0 5
0 726

I have a quick question regarding swizzled objects.

I have an original object, say Object a, I am working with.

I set a property a.something.somethingother.somethingelse.myNewProperty to some value x.

Then at some point I am saving a and continuing to work with it. I assume here by saving a, I saved myNewProperty as well. (as it should work)

2 5
0 280

Hello everyone!
I am wondering how I can retrieve multipart form-data from a request that is coming into my REST-service.
I am supposed to retrieve a string and a file. The file is being retrieved without issues, but the "testprofile" string is not being retrieved at all.
It just logs a an empty entry.
The request that is sent to my REST-service has the Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Thanks beforehand for the help! :)

Down below is the code I use right now to retrieve the string and file from Form-data Rest HTTP-request to my service.

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0 300
· May 14, 2021
Luhn Mod N in Cache?

Hi all

I'm trying to recreate this method below in Cache/IRIS.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn_mod_N_algorithm ISO-7812-1 (LUHN-10)

I've been following the javascript example. It seems simple in theory but i'm struggling with which cache methods to pick.

$LENGTH, $System.SQL.FLOOR() - seem ok

$EXTRACT - I think for .charAt (though may need to correct base)

$FIND - for .indexOf

Any suggestion which would be the best ones for the job?

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0 214

I have a case where I am creating a PDF file from an Encoded String, and I need to transfer this file over to another server. I was wondering since this is PDF file if I could just invoke the FTP.OutboundAdapter within my Object script that is creating the PDF from the encoded string. Is this possible? Does anyone have an examples of using EnsLib.FTP.OutboundAdpater within their Object Script?


Scott Roth

Integration - Interfaces

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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0 580

We have a case where we have 1 message coming in, but then sending two messages out to the same location. Even with FIFO sometimes the messages get out of sequence depending on what is need to be done to the message in the DTL before send. Is it possible to call sleep or Halt or write some kind of a function to put a pause in a routing rule between two sends?

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