Hi Community,

Can I please check what the size limit for the parameter in $SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Decode() method ?

I have a 12 page base64 encoded PDF document, which is failing when decoded. I am getting the error below:

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <ILLEGAL VALUE>zXSDToLogical+1^%Library.Binary.1 -- logged as '-' number - @''

OBX:5 size=4233781

I tried the below from terminal, but it is not able copy the whole string for the parameter so couldn't execute it.

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My original ZAUTHENTICATE.mac to use Delegated sign on did not include GetCredentials(), however I am being told it probably should have it so I am eliminate an error I am seeing when trying to troubleshoot the ZAUTHENTICATION. I am trying to add the GetCredentials() from the documentation to the existing ZAUTHENTICATE.mac but I am getting an error

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I recently created a new foundation namespace in my IRIS for Health instance. I am noticing that Registry entries such as the Service and XUA registries (HS.Registry.Service.SOAP and HS.IHE.XUA.Config) from my previously created foundation namespace are not available in my new namespace. Is there a setting that controls this, or is there a way to map these registry values to my new namespace? Other developers I talked with on my team expected these registry entries available to all namespaces and were surprised when I reported they were not.

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Still working on my first External REST API call, and I am struggling to find the exact answer I am looking for... I get a JSON response from my API call but I am not quite sure how to dynamically get the JSON response into the Ens.Response Object with its lists of Arrays that I have defined.

set tSC = ..Adapter.SendFormDataArray(.tHTTPResposne,"POST",tHTTPRequest,,,tURL)

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· Aug 25, 2023
Reply Code Actions Question

Hi Everyone

I'm just wondering if anyone might have a list (or the experience to make a list) of the most often used / useful Reply Code Actions?

In the Help section of Health Connect Management Portal, it lists

'E=F' and ':?R=RF,:?E=S,:~=S,:?A=C,:*=S,:I?=W,:T?=C'

as the default options, though I'm curious if anyone else has found other codes or strings of codes useful?

Thanks in advance.

Best wishes


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· Aug 17, 2023
ICMP/Ping with ObjectScript

Is it possible to "Ping" a remote host in IRIS for Health using ObjectScript? We host hundreds of TCP connections over hundreds of VPNs. I'm working on a project that would make it nice to have way to ping remove clients over the VPN to monitor connectivity and keep the tunnels alive.

Another thought/method would be to make an OS system call (AWS Linux), but I don't see a way to do that either.

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· Sep 7, 2023
Question about ISCAgent Config

We are noticing some issues with the communication between our Arbiter and our servers. Looking at the following documentation to limit connections, and logging...https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GHA_mirror_set_config#GHA_mirror_set_agent_port

if I am configuring the ISCAgent on the arbiter, would we set

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0 199

Hi All,

Been trying to setup a iris 4 health community version along with a webgateway bothing utilizing docker. The documentation seems a little sparse when it comes to configuring each of these to work together, especially when it comes to utilizing the Webgateway to front end the MGMT pages for Irirs 4 Health.

I know there is a github repo that has a docker compose file, but that doesn't see to provide a light on what needs to be configured in order for it to work.

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I have set up a Docker image with IrisHealth Community Edition and created a backup of all databases with the Management Portal. Obviously, the restore requires a different way, i.e. a terminal or session needs to be started to use a "Do ^DBREST".

Due to the manual first a session (which is probably same as iristerm terminal) needs to be started:

docker exec -it iris iris session iris

If I enter "DO ^DBREST", I get the answer:


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I'm setting up a web application as CSP/ZEN to host a React SPA. SPA's typically need to use a fallback page to deal with server requests based on the browser route, unless you use hash routing in the browser code. Our requirements prevent us from using hash routing, so we need to deal with 404's - redirecting/fallback them to index.html - a very common practice. I 'think' IRIS uses Apache under the hood, so I tried adding a .htaccess in the applications root directory - which did not work. I found that CSP has an Error class,

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I have a problem. Occasionally, I am getting locked out of IRIS because of password failures. However, the failures aren't necessarily related to my password. We are using VSCode, and I have installed one or two proposed APIs for use with the software (because that's just how I am; I want to learn the new stuff).

Today, I had that problem again. The step that caused the problem was most likely when I was trying to switch the branch I was using and updating within VSCode. Let's say I was switching from branch "1A" to branch "2B". When I did this, IRIS caught two password errors:

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