I would like to send bundle object to a router and then
perform a DTL with in the routing rule ( this BundleObject as a source to my DTL).
during this process , I get below exception

reqStream = json content in a stream

Set BundleObject=##class(HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.Bundle).FromJSON(reqStream,"vR4")

Set tSC = BusinessService.SendRequestSync("SAMPLE_ROUTER", BundleObj)

expection :

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I created a property in a Business Process class and added that property to the "settings" parameter to display it as a field in production settings.

Property ServerName As %String(MAXLEN = "");

Parameter SETTINGS = "ServerName:Server Config";

Property names cannot contain characters such as underscore or whitespace. Is there any way to change the display name in production so that I can show this setting as "Server Name" and not "ServerName"?

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Hello! I just had a quick question for anyone out there with more experience on deploying Ensemble productions.

I'm currently trying to export my Ensemble production WITH the Business Partners so I don't have to rebuild or add to that table after I import my Ensemble Production. I know that this is a small thing and doesn't actually affect anything in the production in terms of performance, but I like to have it for better documentation.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

To resolve the error <PROTECT>, remove the read-only attribute of the system-wide library database (IRISLIB for InterSystems IRIS, CACHELIB for Caché/Ensemble/HealthShare (Caché-based))

Once you have finished importing the routine, remember to change it back to read-only.

[Version 2013.1 and above]
[Management Portal] > [System Administration] > [Configuration] > [System Configuration] > [Local Database] Uncheck "Mount read-only" from the database name link.

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· Oct 17, 2023
Debugging a SOAP web-client

Pointers please for debugging a SOAP web-client.

We have several clients in different productions all accessing a web-service. We are trying to add another client in a new production, and its not working. The messages between the relevant Process and the SOAP web-client Operation are the same in the working and the non-working productions. But the web-service is reporting an XML parsing error to the non-working production. Here's the error as reported in the SOAP web-client Operation...

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Hi Guys,

Is there a way to import /export Web Applications? I can see that those web application that I created are also showing in Studio under CSP Files folder and I tried right clicking on some on the folders that seems to be representing my web application then export but didn't work.


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· Nov 30, 2023
Production allowed ports

Hi Guys,

Do we need to configure something in ports so that we can use it in a production?

I've a production with 8 running services and recently added a new service with new port but unable to get it working

raising error 404.

When using an existing port that is used by current running service, my new service works fine but not when using a new port, I've added the new port to inbound rules in the firewall bit still no luck, so is there something I need to do to in Ensemble ?


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InterSystems FAQ rubric

If the system does not stop for 24 hours, old journal files will be deleted at 0:30 according to the "Journal file deletion settings".

A possible cause of journal files remaining that are older than the "Journal file deletion settings" is that there are transactions that remain open.

In that case, you will be able to delete the journal file by searching for processes executing transactions and finalizing the transactions.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

In the sample below, an image file is encoded into a Base64 string in a class property, saved, decoded again with Base64, and restored to another file.

【Usage class】

Class User.test Extends %Persistent
Property pics As %GlobalBinaryStream;

【When importing】

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Hi Guys,

This is more of a Javascript question but just in case would have an idea.

basically I'm calling the below JavaScript function from a classMethod to add Options to an html <Select> tag (Dropdown) and after adding all options I would like to set a specific value or index to be selected, its working and actually the required option is selected but not showing as selected in the dropdown box.

For testing purposes I've set option 4 to be selected by default as example and it's not showing as selected in required dropdown (green)

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Is there a way to generate an MD5 checksum of a file by performing a checksum against the file's parts? We potentially have to process large files and therefore cannot keep the entire file in memory. From what I understand checksum related logic is typically stateful, allowing file data to be passed through sequentially, however it appears cache script offers only stateless functions offering a simple method of generating a single checksum hash from a single string (or stream), correct me if I'm wrong?

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Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to the upcoming webinar in Hebrew:

👉VS Code - Beyond the Basics 👈

📅 Date & time: February 6th, 3:00 PM IDT

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