· Jan 18, 2017
Top 10 Authors in 2016

Hi, Community!

Over 600 different authors posted anything on Developer Community in 2016.

Developer Community contains some brilliant pieces of content because of you. Thank you!

With one of the latest DC releases we introduced "Member Follow" functionality, so you can open any members' page, follow him and be subscribed to all his new posts and comments.

Just to give you ideas who to follow in 2017 here is top 10 authors in 2016 for several nominations ;)

All the nominations do not include postings within Developer Community tag or group.

3 1
0 315

Hi, Community!

Here is the digest of Articles and Questions published on InterSystems Developer Community in September 2016.

Most viewed

Mirroring 101: a brief guide and FAQ - 238

NewBie's Corner Session 27 Traversing A Global with $Order Part 1 - 214

Cache for Raspberry Pi? - 209

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!* - 199

REST in Pieces - 196

User authentication using Arduino with RFID - 146

Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down - 143

Cache or Caché? - 141

NewBie's Corner Session 28 Various Methods to Traverse a Global - 134

Cache Certification - 128

Most voted

Ensemble and file outbound adapters - a small hint - 11

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!* - 9

Windows write caching - 9

Advanced URL mapping for REST - 6

Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down - 6

Featured InterSystems Video: OAuth 2.0 Overview - 6

The Art of Mapping Globals to Classes (2 of 3) - 5

Running HealthShare XSLTs from Terminal - 5

Cache for Raspberry Pi? - 5

Cache or Caché? - 5

Most commented

NewBie's Corner Session 27 Traversing A Global with $Order Part 1 - 16

Cache for Raspberry Pi? - 14

question on ExternalFreeze on windows platform -- - 14

Cache or Caché? - 12

Mirroring 101: a brief guide and FAQ - 10

Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down - 9

Multiple namespaces in web application - 8

cleaning up CSP sessions (aka where/who/what is the %CSP.Daemon?) - 8

NewBie's Corner Session 28 Various Methods to Traverse a Global - 8

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!* - 7

0 0
0 345

Here is the digest of the most interesting and valuable posts on Developer Community published in August 2016.

Here we go!

News, events, releases

JSON changes in Caché 2016.2

Announcement about the Caché 2016.2 and 2016.3 Field Test Programs

Alert: Database Compaction

2016.1.2 Maintenance Release

Most viewed

Announcement about the Caché 2016.2 and 2016.3 Field Test Programs - 406

JSON changes in Caché 2016.2 - 306

What is causing the journals to grow rapidly? - 197

Writing forward compatible JSON in 2016.1 - 190

how to connect to the Cache database from node.js ? - 188

Caché MapReduce - introduction to BigData and MapReduce concept - 155

NewBie's Corner Session 17 New command - 153

Global references done internally by Cache - 145

Tips & Tricks - Process-private Globals as a class storage - 118

ZUTILS - 114

Most voted

Improve SQL Performance for Date Queries, AGAIN! - 8

JSON changes in Caché 2016.2 - 8

Caché MapReduce - introduction to BigData and MapReduce concept - 7

Announcement about the Caché 2016.2 and 2016.3 Field Test Programs - 7

Writing forward compatible JSON in 2016.1 - 7

HealthShare's new SDA extensions - 6

The Art of Mapping Globals to Classes 1 of 3 - 6

Enterprise Monitor and HealthShare - 5

What is causing the journals to grow rapidly? - 4

TLS v1.2 support in Caché - 4

Most commented

Setting ContentType in Rest Service - 13

Use of $ZUTIL(49) is deprecated - 11


Announcement about the Caché 2016.2 and 2016.3 Field Test Programs - 10

Calling javascript method from Zen method, with parameters - 9

Git Continuous Integration - What are the most important differences between CacheGitHubCI and CacheUpdater? - 8

how to connect to the Cache database from node.js ? - 7

What is causing the journals to grow rapidly? - 7

Problem in the Property parameters (DISPLAYLIST | VALUELIST) [ SOLVED ] - 7

NewBie's Corner Session 17 New command - 7

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0 333