· Apr 15, 2016 2m read

Sources for InterSystems Global Summit 2016 Sessions and Experiences


Please find all the source code Global Summit 2016 Sessions and Experiences in following GitHub repositories:

Codes are in UDL form which is native to Atelier IDE.

Here is small guide how you can check out this project into your Atelier:

Let's see how to load code directly from GitHub URI. 

Open Atelier. Go to File -> Import -> Git -> Clone URI


   2. Specify URL for repository and press Next

   3. Choose 'master' branch and press Next

   4. Check in 'Import all existing Eclipse projects after clone finishes' and press Finish

   5. Open your project, right-click on connection -> 'Change connection', select the project, specify your existing Server connection and Namespace

   6. Right-click on project -> 'Compile Project'


Loading from repository by zip:

   1. Download and unpack '.zip' from repository

   2. File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace

   3. Specify path to directory with unpacked files from repository

   4. Check in 'Copy projects into Workspace' option, press Finish

   5. Open your project, right-click on connection -> 'Change connection', select the project, specify your existing Server connection and Namespace

   6. Right-click on project -> 'Compile Project'

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