Hey Community,

We're thrilled to invite you to the next "InterSystems Iberia Summit 2022", which will be held in-person once again. Registration is already open!

Join us in this important event where we'll bring together InterSystems customers and partners and also employees and members of the Developer Community - to learn, inspire and share innovation challenges with each other:

➡️ InterSystems Iberia Summit 2022

🗓 November 16 – 17, 2022

📍Valencia. The Westin Valencia hotel

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AWS has officially released their second-generation Arm-based Graviton2 processors and associated Amazon EC2 M6g instance type, which boasts up to 40% better price performance over current generation Intel Xeon based M5 instances.

A few months ago, InterSystems participated in the M6g preview program, and we ran a few benchmarks with InterSystems IRIS that showed compelling results. This led us to support ARM64 architectures for the first time.

Now you can try InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health on Graviton2-based Amazon EC2 M6g instances for yourselves through the AWS Marketplace!

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Hi Community,

We're super excited to share with you a very special session from the Global Summit 2024! And it is so special because it is about the Developer Community and Developer Ecosystem.

🤩 Leveraging Developer Ecosystem Tools for Success @ Global Summit 2024

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Hey Community!

As you know, InterSystems Developer Community is always evolving. We have a number of different pages in popular social networks. And now we're more than happy to launch the InterSystems Developer Community on LinkedIn! Please welcome:

1. Developer Community Page on LinkedIn: to stay in the know about articles, answers, announcements, hot discussions, best practices based on InterSystems technology - so good if you are an active user of LinkedIn!

2. InterSystems Developers Group on LinkedIn: to network with other developers.
Imagine that you want to invite a high-pro DC member to your event, or you have a question or need advice... How to contact him/her? Now it's easy! Go to DC LinkedIn Group and send a direct message!

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Hi, Community!

Let me introduce Dmitry Maslennikov as our new Developer Community Moderator.

Dmitry continuously shows the outstanding contribution to InterSystems Developer Community and we decided to trust Dmitry this role and hope that Dmitry can even help to make the Developer Community better in this new status.

Thanks for your great contribution, Dmitry!

And, we are looking for the new moderators from Community!

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Hi Community,

We're super excited to share with you a special session from Global Summit 2022! And it is so special to us because it is about us and with us! Please welcome:

🤩 InterSystems Developer Ecosystem @ Global Summit 2022 🤩

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· Apr 15, 2017
Member mentioning

Hi, Community!

With the recent release on Developer Community we have introduced member mentioning.

Now if you want to ping a member with email notification, just place in the post (or comment) following:


Once it is published, a member would get the email notification that he was mentioned in particular post/comment.

So, that's how I'm mentioning myself here: @Evgeny Shvarov.

Have a great weekend!

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Hey Developers,

Thank you so much for staying with InterSystems Developer Community for yet another year!

Day in and day out our team is trying to make it better and more useful for each and every one of our 12K+ members!

We'd like to know how useful the Developer Community is for you at this point. Please take a few moments to let us know what you think and what could be improved:

👉🏼 InterSystems Developer Community Annual Survey 2022 👈🏼

Note: The survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete.

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· Jul 12, 2022
French speaking people, unite!

Hey Community!

If you follow our updates, you should know that several months ago we created a new regional community for all those people who speak (and write) French!

You can find it here: fr.community.intersystems.com

After only three months we already have 25 members (I know, it doesn't sound a lot compared to 11.000 members on English Community, but French Community is a newborn compared to an adult) and more than 140 articles, 3.000 views, and 160 likes. We already have exclusive content not present on other regional Communities and our own "thing" which you may spot in our recaps of different events where moderators and admins from the French Community were present.

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Hi Developers,

Thank you so much for being a part of the InterSystems Developer Community Ecosystem for yet another year!

We love that you participate in the life of the Developer Community, Open Exchange, Global Masters, and Ideas Portal.

We'd like to know how useful are our portals for you at this point. Please take a few moments to let us know what you think and what could be improved:

👉 InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Annual Survey 2023 👈

Note: The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete.

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