I know this has been suggested before but I wanted to bring it up again.

It would be very nice if we could "accept" an answer to our questions which would result in the question showing "answered" in the index and possibly move the "accepted answer" to the top of the answer chain.

see: Stack Overflow or any other QA site

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Hi Developers!

Recently we updated the look and feel of articles on DC:

The font is bigger, with no ads on aside.

Articles look like that now:

The intent was to make reading process for articles more focused cause sometimes we want to share a deeper thought with article and this needs more concentration and less distraction.

Do you like it?

Share your thoughts, please?

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Since it took me a while to find the correct place to reply to a specific comment and not the post itself, I thought I'd make this observation an 'improvement request'.

Currently a comment has only the small grey arrow at the bottom, next to the 'favorite' button. The 'favorite' button has color and text which make it way more prominent. The 'reply' button on the other hand is gray and has no text. It's easy to miss.

I suggest adding at least text and perhaps also some color to the 'reply' button to make it stand out more. Even a tooltip would be useful.

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· Mar 23, 2016 1m read
Triple posting

It looks like andreas posting is in triplicate - I am sure the bureaucrats are very happy - on the homepage

Not sure why...? Is there really 3 unique posts IDs that are the same or is there a bug in the hoempage display logic that is repeating the items listed?

triple post

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I can view my own profile just fine, but if I try to view anyone else's, whether they're my friend or not, there's an HTTP 503 response and the following message shows up:

"Temporarily Unavailable

The website that you're trying to reach is having technical difficulties and is currently unavailable.

We are aware of the issue and are working hard to fix it. Thank you for your patience."

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I was editing a comment and I hit backspace a few times until there was no text left. Subsequent backspaces will actually be interpreted by the browser as a back command.

Further investigation revealed that hitting backspace on the WYSIWYG editor when there is no contend does remove focus from the element.

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· Oct 19, 2016
topic vs tag?

When I create a post, it requires I select Related Topics.

On the right side there is browse by tag.

Are Topics = Tags?

If so can the DC admin please be consistent with the naming convention? Pick one and correct all the instances

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I know this has been requested before, but it's really annoying, especially in the Developer Community.

Here is my typical workflow:

1. Click "Developer Community" forum

2. Click "Post question".

3. Select "Developer Community" in Group dropdown.

4. Select "Developer Community" in Related Topic dropdown.

Yes, 3 out of 4 steps to post a new question here require me to select the same thing. It's frustrating. Here I go again!

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· Dec 7, 2015 1m read
Welcome everyone!

I'm very proud of the Worldwide Response Center - an excellent group of men and women - and I am interested to hear from you about your experience using the WRC. There are always better ways for us to serve you.

I'm also very excited about the Developer Community which we're bringing to you to give you an opportunity to connect with groups and individuals in the InterSystems community. Let us know what you think and how we can improve it in order to serve you better.

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· Nov 7, 2016
Recently Read is incorrect

I clicked on my name to view my profile. It shows a list of recently read posts. This list is incorrect. It seems to be listing all the posts on the homepage as post I have read. I have not read the majority of these posts.

Perhaps the recently read logic is broken? I assume recently read would require me to actually view the posting to consider it read?

Can you correct (or remove) this information in the profiles

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· May 24, 2017
broken font with "Back"

I just noticed a new navigation item - "Back" now appears above the "Links side bar when viewing posts.

It is in the wrong font. Also it seems very odd place for this navigation item.

It alters the page layout by moving the content down & introducing more whitespace.

See image:

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