It would be nice if there were a permalink displayed for each comment. That way I could bookmark or send a link to a specific comment. I can see links to my own comments in the My Account page, but I don't see any way to get permalinks for other people's comments.

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· Jun 26, 2017
Answers to Deleted Posts

I noticed this morning that a post to which I had responded was apparently deleted by the original poster. In most other discussion fora, once a post has any sort of followup, only a moderator may delete the thread.

Nothing significant was lost in my followup, but I'm concerned that good information may, at some point, be lost due to the OP changing their mind about the original topic.

Thoughts? Comments?

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Is is possible to reorder the comments so we see new comments at the top? At the moment its very hard to find a new comments since the order of the comments is always from oldest to newest, if you comment on the first comment then your comment will be at the top while making a new comment on the post will be at the bottom. Also marking new posts with a different background color or highlighting them would be convenient.

This would be very handy for posts that are getting more comments than can fit on one page or just posts with more comments in general.

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Generally the site developer/admin decide which editor they will allow based on the content they want to encourage/support. As a user presented with a full WYSIWYG editor I have absolutely no reason to select a more restrictive option. It honestly just adds to the already cluttered post/comment page.

My suggestion is to either remove the option altogether or at the very least make it a preference in the user profile area. It's really a 143 vertical-pixel waste of precious space.

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[DCE-96] - Show views counter for the post
[DCE-97] - Clean up My Collaborations and My Content
[DCE-108] - Remove Find Menu
[DCE-109] - Search page - fix Categories dropdown, remove internal naming
[DCE-110] - Add warning to comments, answers and posts when page is dirty and you move off-page
[DCE-111] - Developer Synchronization: Copy global-summit-2016 view

[DCE-93] - Post author and date messaging is wrong on Post Detail Page
[DCE-112] - Improve Tag Selection - Handle Special Characters

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· Apr 19, 2017
Images dropping from posts

I've been creating some posts with embedded images, and some of the images seem to stop resolving after a period of time. I've resaved them, and that has helped temporarily, but I just checked and one of the images is now not resolving again. Is there a limit to the number of images on a post, or should I be using a specific filename pattern?



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Hi, Community!

We are fixing groups, tags and message types for the several last year's postings.

So that's why you are getting "strange" notifications now with no any new comment.

As a result, you'll get better tagging and for the DC articles and questions.

Anyway, you can turn off the "OnUpdate" notifications as it is described here.

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I am getting below error while associating Facebook account :

App Not Setup: This app is still in development mode, and you don't have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions.

Please note upon opening from Facebook account is working fine, only issue is when opening from InterSystems site.


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I think it will be very useful to add the following information about community members:

-Full Name (that is the only thing we see today)



-[Optional] Areas of interests/expertise

This information should help the community members evaluate the credibility of posts and responses.



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In Subscriptions > Overview > I checked Digest Mode, which is defined as:

"Merges your notifications into a single email, sent at the interval you specify. "

Under Preferences I set the Send Interval to be Daily.

I receive a couple dozen emails each day. They all have a subject of "Subscription Digest for..."

Each email only contains a single item, so it doesn't appear to be a "digest."

It clearly is coming more than once a day, so doesn't appear to be following the set Send Interval.

Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding the settings?

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Option 1:
Groups are renamed "Forums". They are segregated and have their own sets of tags. If I'm viewing "Ensemble" and I click "Create a Post", it is posted in that forum. I must tag the post with one or more tags from that forum, "Business Service", "Production", "DTD", etc. Tags can be assigned to multiple forums. I am never prompted to choose a "group"/forum. It's based on the context I was viewing.
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When you're sharing some community portal content with somebody through the CP 'Share with a friend' feature, the target person recieves an email with subject '<Somebody> has shared a page with you on InterSystems Developer Community'.. Where <Somebody> is target person's name, not the person's name who has shared content.

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