
I am still a beginner with COS and am struggling with these concepts. While digging through the official documentation will eventually tell you everything you need to know, getting started is nevertheless not an easy feat...

Is it possible to create a "lists/array/multidimensional 101" page for beginners? And, for instance, its interaction with $data, what it means to use "as list of something" or "as array of something", how to walk lists, how to add/remove elements, how to extract sublists etc?

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I am hoping some of you network guys have ideas. InterSystems seems to be at a standstill. When I startup Studio and try to start Terminal I get License Limit Exceeded. Starting with Terminal and going to Studio, same thing. It started when I put down a 2016 version of Cache on top of a 2015. InterSystems told me to uninstall everything and start fresh. I did that but have the same problems. What can I look at? How do I start to debug this? Although I am the only one on my PC it is really impacting my performance.

-thank you

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· Jun 15, 2016 1m read
MQTT Client in COS

Hi All,

I've created a sample implementation of the MQTT protocol, which is now available on GitHub.

The project demonstrates MQTT client capabilities and it's written in Caché Object Script.

Any comments, bug reports are welcome! Some more enhancements (like SSL / TLS support) are planned for the near future.

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The field test of Caché 2016.2 has been available for quite some time and I would like to focus on one of the substantial features that is new in this version: the document data model. This model is a natural addition to the multiple ways we support for handling data including Objects, Tables and Multidimensional arrays. It makes the platform more flexible and suitable for even more use cases.

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· Jun 11, 2016 2m read
NewBie's Corner Session 7 True and False

NewBie's Corner Session 7 True and False

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out these commands.

In COS, a 0 is false and any other number (positive or negative) is true.

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· May 20, 2016 12m read
Collations in Caché

Order is a necessity for everyone, but not everyone understands it in the same way
(Fausto Cercignani)

Disclaimer: This article uses Russian language and Cyrillic alphabet as examples, but is relevant for anyone who uses Caché in a non-English locale.
Please note that this article refers mostly to NLS collations, which are different than SQL collations. SQL collations (such as SQLUPPER, SQLSTRING, EXACT which means no collation, TRUNCATE, etc.) are actual functions that are explicitly applied to some values, and whose results are sometimes explicitly stored in the global subscripts. When stored in subscripts, these values would naturally follow the NLS collation in effect (“SQL and NLS Collations”).

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· Jun 9, 2016
Beginning Again

I've been in IT since 1986.

I started with Pr1me INFORMATION and Primos on Pr1me hardware.

In the 90s and 00s, I used D3.

I'm giving Caché a try, but I'm kinda having some difficulty getting started.

I've installed Caché on a 64-bit Windows 7 workstation. It was installed under an administrator's account. From a standard users account, I'm trying to access the Management Portal at:


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I am pleased to announce the field test of Caché and Ensemble 2016.3 - with many new improvements.

The product team at InterSystems looks forward to your participation in the field test and feedback over the coming months.

Some of the more signification changes in 2016.3 are new RESTful APIs for iKnow and broader APIs for programmatic control of multiple servers (enterprise manager). As always, there are a host of scalability and performance improvements, including improvements to the core database and SQL. And hundreds of smaller improvements and corrections.

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During some consultant activity I did at a client's I have discovered something very interesting. It seems like the current processing cycle as written in ObjectScript has trouble utilizing an SSD-based storage machine with five-digit IOPS.

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Recently I was asked by a customer with this question. In MS SQL Server, there is a function called host_name() that will return the work station name.

Here is how I would do it in Caché :

With default SQL schema name, in my case SQLUser in SQL (which is equivalent as User in Caché class definition), I have a class called User.dummy, I added a classmethod called hostname and expose it as SQL function host_name:

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I have a ZEN page with buttons, text boxes and a tab group. The tab group contains a single tab which I use to display an image(src). When the user, uses the browser zoom capabilities to reduce or enlarge the image, the other controls are reduced or enlarged as well. How can I reduce or enlarge the tab src alone? Thank you for any and all input.

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NewBie's Corner Session 6 If and Kill commands

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out the commands.

As in other computer programming languages, the If command is the primary decision makes.

If command with numeric operands

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I have a homeTemplate and ExamesTemplate page. When I'm in ExamesTemplate and make a resfresh (F5 browser), the page back to the HomeTemplate. I need the page ExamesTemplate not return HomeTemplate.

I'm using ZenMojo with Bootstrap

Can someone help me?


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I am working on a DataGrid based upon ZenTest.Datagrid.cls

I want to save data after changes on a row.

The existing samples do not explain how to save changes on data in a grid.

I have tried something like zen(‘json’).save

Does anybody has some sample code?

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· Jun 1, 2016
Activating an index

I have a production system that has a large dataset of about 2 million rows. I need to create an index on a property but don't want it available to queries until the index is fully populated. Is there a way I can create the indexed, fire off the build, then "activate" the index so queries can use it.

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Assume an architecture where an ECP Database Server is connected to by one or more ECP Application Servers inside a firewall.The application server hosts the web application that web users connect to.

The Web servers are outside the firewall, and, (using the CSP gateway/server mechanism) issue requests over the SuperServer port and into the application server.

I know that the traffic between the Web Server and the ECP application server can be encrypted using HTTPS, and access to the CSPServer on the Application server is username/password secured.

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· May 27, 2016 1m read
2016.3 Field Test Kit 2016.3.0.628.0

Steve Glassman is on vacation today so in his place I wanted to announce the availability of a new kit for the 2016.3 Field Test. The kit details are: 2016.3.0.628.0

Most of the changes are related to DeepSee, DocDB data models and dynamic objects. You can find a complete listing here:


Bill McCormick

Director of Product Management

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