I this article I detail some strategic issues that a new development UI will need to address - these are the ones that I can think of now - others may come to light during this journey.
See the webinar by Eduard Lebedyuk here from the last Global Summit describing modern web development and Caché
And, as always, if I have missed something please comment....
I am an avid user of ZEN for over 10 years now and it works for me. But it seems that Intersystems are no longer actively developing it (or ZEN Mojo), the only published reference to this is here
Hi All This is the index to a series of articles I hope to create over the coming months.
ZEN and ZEN Mojo are no longer being actively developed by Intesystems - this is a great shame as it is a fine product that works so well for business applications. However ZEN is a 15 year old product and I need a path forward to replace the ZEN UI with a supported development framework.
This article is an index of the other articles I have, or plan to write. - the articles will be subject to change as I develop my thoughts and climb the learning curve.
It's been 6 weeks since my original article - - - - -but I have been busy on this project
I have been looking at/thinking about a replacement for ZEN for around 12 months but only really started in depth 4 months ago. Also been in IT for long enough that I can "get a feel" for a product/technology and make decisions accordingly without going into great detail. Any new technology has a learning curve and I don't want to waste time and effort on something that won't fly. And, as always, I am looking to minimise the learning curve as I want to concentrate on delivering business benefit.
Suppose you have a persistent class with data and you want to have a simple Angular UI for it to view the data and make CRUD operations.
Recently @Alberto Fuentesdescribed how to build Angular UI for your InterSystems IRIS application using RESTForms2.
In this article, I want to tell you how you can get a simple Angular UI to CRUD and view your InterSystems IRIS class data automatically in less than 5 minutes.
Hi! My name is Sergei Sarkisian and I’m creating Angular frontend for more than 7 years working in InterSystems. As the Angular is very popular framework, our developers, customers and partners often choose it as part of the stack for their applications.
I would like to start series of articles which will cover different aspects of Angular: concepts, how-to, best practices, advanced topics and more. This series will target people who already familiar with Angular and wouldn’t cover basic concepts. As I’m in the process of building articles roadmap, I would like to begin with highlighting some important features in most recent Angular release.
Before we start with some intermediate and advanced topics, I would like to sum up some more general points. They are subjective, of course, so I will be happy to discuss them if you have other opinion or better arguments for any of them.
The list is not comprehensive and this is intended, cause I will cover some topics in future articles.
Hi! Today I would like to talk about one of the most important architectural patterns in Angular.
The pattern itself is not related to Angular directly, but as Angular is component-driven framework, this pattern is one of the most essential for building modern Angular applications.
Container-Presentation pattern
It is believed that good components should be small, focused, independent, testable and most important - reusable.