
Clear filter
Nikhil Pawaria · May 16, 2021

$Order and $Query

level. Of course, the grasshopper was so pleased with himself and how well he hopped that he forgot to keep his eyes open for sparrows and that sparrow that had sat patiently
Ikara Ikliki · Jan 22, 2020

%GlobalBinaryStream to %Binary

the JSON string is converted into a FHIR Patient Object the underlying datatype of the is ultimately derived from a class called %xsd.Base64Binary which
Tani Frankel · Aug 7, 2016

What is causing the journals to grow rapidly

the calculation on large files could take quite a while (be patient)… you'll get a report how much of the file it already calculated, for example: Running the Profile via the Mgmt
Alex Woodhead · Jun 12, 2023

LangChain fixed the SQL for me

large prompt issue too. I had to give a break from exploring further db = SQLDatabase.from_uri(connection_string, schema="HSAA",include_tables=['Episode','Patient'] 💡 This article is considered as InterSystems Data Platform Best Practice.
Ikram Shah · Jul 6, 2023

GPT meets FHIR: Leveraging the power of Open API specs

is the latest blood pressure reading for patient, John Doe (ID 111)?" The application will then translate this query into an FHIR API request, fetch the required data, and present
Evgeny Shvarov · Nov 30, 2023

Technological Bonuses Results for the InterSystems Java Programming Contest 2023

/flavioneubauer/fhir-pex/blob/master/java-orm/src/main/java/com/flavioneubauer/patient/service/ Community Hibernate is also being used, present in the project pom
Benjamin De Boe · Nov 3, 2016

Getting started with Text Categorization

free text into a rich, structured network of interlinked entities. We will use iKnow to index the data contained in the NarrativeFull column.Exercise 2We will create and test our
Jeffrey Drumm · Jun 20, 2017

Atelier and External Web Server

;/Directory> <Directory /usr/share> AllowOverride None Require all granted </Directory> <Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
Yone Moreno · Mar 5, 2021

Creating a RESTFul Service, why custom method does not return the expected JSON

me to some, please? I am trying to implement a business service, process and operation that serves bundle of apis related to a domain and resource e.g Patient , Patient alerts
Sean Connelly · Apr 12, 2017

Bug killing development tips

last week. Less haste, more speed. 6. Ensure code lives in the right place If you have an entity class such as patient, then make sure all things that affect patient live
Benjamin De Boe · Jun 21, 2016

iKnow demo apps (part 4) - Rules Builder Demo

button to index all paragraphs one by one. Actually, we're doing it two by two, as in the above example sections I.a. and I.a.i. need to be considered together, as are I.a. and I.a.ii
Benjamin De Boe · Sep 13, 2022


, you may use this to take advantage of newish best practices such as the use of Extent Sets, which implement hashed global names and separate each index into their own global
Chad Severtson · Apr 12, 2023

Determining Global and Table Sizes in InterSystems IRIS

by specifying USEEXTENTSET and DEFAULTGLOBAL. Using hashed global names and storing only one index per global have shown performance benefits. I use the following query to list the non
Eduard Lebedyuk · Jul 13, 2022

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part X: Beyond the code

After almost four years on hiatus, [my CI/CD series]( is back! Over
Timothy Leavitt · Mar 24, 2020

Unit Tests and Test Coverage in the InterSystems Package Manager

, the reports are generated. Set reportFile = "/opt/iris/test/CoverageReports/coverage.xml" Do ##class(TestCoverage.Report.Cobertura.ReportGenerator).GenerateReport(<index>, reportFile