· Jan 21, 2022 4m read

Learning IRIS and Caché by Robert Cemper

@Robert Cemper is the most active and widely read member of the community (Best Seller!). So nothing better than learning InterSystems technologies from over 100 articles by him. I curated the articles, selecting the best ones by subject:

Articles about SQL

DB Migration using SQLgateway DB migrations to IRIS using SQLgateways.

Dataset Lightweight M:N and M:N Relationship Advanced SQL relationships

Using ClassQueries() as Tables Using ClassQueries as tables (like views using objectscript)

Effective use of Collection Indexing and Querying Collections through SQL Index SQL query collections

Show Global by SQL SELECT SQL statements to see globals

SQL for ^ERROR Global SQL statement to get ^ERROR global

SPOOL as SQL Table SQL statement to get the SPOOL report

Materialized Views How to do "materialized view" with IRIS

Semi-Persistent Classes and Tables Persist only you need in the class

Static WHERE Conditions Using sql class methods to filter data inside where

Repairing your Index Rebuild your indices

Articles about Python and Native API

AoC2021-rcc 25 code samples using Embedded Python

Using ZPM for Node.js using zpm modules from Node.js

WebSocket Client with embedded Python web socket with Python inside IRIS

Trying Embedded Python python sample inside IRIS

Native API for ObjectScript Demo and IRIS Native API for ObjectScript simple NativeAPI demos

IRIS-NativeAPI-Nodejs-compact and WebSocket Client JS with IRIS Native API as Docker Micro Server light docker instance for Node.js NativeAPI

Client for WebSockets based on Node.js web sockets with Node.js

Articles About Globals, ObjectScript, ZPM and COS

Traditional Debugging in ObjectScript Debug your ObjectScript code

The future position of ObjectScript The future of ObjectScript development

Helper for ObjectScript Language Extensions Helper app to extend ObjectScript

FOREACH for ObjectScript Macro to foreach into Object Script

ObjectScript over ODBC Using ODBC into ObjectScript

Global Scanning & Slicing Print details about globals in any level

ZPMshow - a helper for tired fingers How to use ZPM

Un-Typical persistence Advanced tip about persistence

snapshot to JSON Object to JSON

A function to check if string is JSON object The string is a valid JSON object?

fast JSON formatting for Caché / Ensemble and fast JSON formatting for IRIS Pretty format your JSON string

Organize %ZLANG** Tips about ZLANG

Wrap JSON to multi lines / Test ISJSON JSON multiline processing

Parameter passing to Language Extentions Passing values to parameters for language extentions (SystemFunctions,  SystemVariables,  SystemCommands)

Terminal Multi-Line Command Editor and Terminal Multi-Line Option Multi-line terminal

Backport %JSON.* to Caché %JSON code into Caché

Moving Code from IRIS to Caché Migrate code from IRIS to Caché

Multidimensional Property Persistence - Part 1 (Classic) Persist multidimensional properties

SUDOKU demo SUDOKU with ObjectScript

Synchronize Data with DSTIME DSTime sample

Adopted Bitmaps example now on Open Exchange and The adopted Bitmap App sample about using BITMAPS

Client for WebSockets based on CSP Calling web socket over CSP page

Execute Server Commands from Caché / Ensemble / IRIS Server commands into caché/ensemble and IRIS nodes.

Sharding evaluation #1 and Manual Setup of Sharding Sharding with IRIS

Global Time Management UTC time inside datetime properties

Summary on Local Variable Scoping Variable scopings

The 'unlimited' UNIQUE index Technique to UNIQUE indexes

@Indirection and eXECUTE - why ? Dynamic calling

Light weight EXCEL download Dataset as excel file

Date before Dec.1840 ? Negative $H(orolog) ? About dates

Articles about Interoperability

Generating OFX [V1] Custom production for MS OFX format


Articles about IRIS Infrastructure and docker

Storage Considerations on large data sets Dealing with large datasets

Docker Desktop Windows - disk space consumption About docker disk space management

SSH for IRIS container Enable SSH access to the IRIS env.

How to execute IRIS restart from inside Restart IRIS correctly

Splitting an IRIS db to multiple drives Creating distributed HD drives for IRIS

How to shrink IRISTEMP db in runtime? Save IRISTEMP disk allocation

IRIS easy ECP workbench Using ECP in IRIS

Making development in Docker environment easier Hacker tips to get easier docker dev with community docker templates

Using ECP across IRIS and Caché ECP when you have IRIS and Cache toghether

ECP between IRIS and Caché / Ensemble ECP when you have IRIS, Cache and Ensemble toghether

moving code between IRIS and CACHÉ Migrate code between IRIS and Cache

Break in case of Emergency Save your day with this article

IRIS-Docker-micro-Durability Preserve parameters when run docker instance again

Docker vs. Durability Docker instances with low resources available

WebSocket Client IRIS internal %Net.WebSocket.Client

WebSocket Echo Server in IRIS Web socker demo

A more useFull Object Dump App to do dump

Using Interjob communication (IJC) Using IJC

Background Jobs over ECP Distributed jobs

Simple Remote Server Control Monitor your servers

SPOOL - the forgotten device SPOOL management

Articles about Other Topics

Successful Troubleshooting About  Analytic Troubleshooting (ATS) 

Thanks Mr. Cemper, we who thank you

From The Roots to InterSystems InterSystems history (a little)

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