· Jul 20, 2020 1m read

IRIS NativeAPI for Node.js compact

An all-in-1 package of the WebSocket MicroService Demo

To simplify the demo of the WebSocket-Micro-Server (WSockClientMicroSV)
the whole package is now bundled into a single Docker Image

How to use it

From the same terminal start the IRIS based client and prepare your orders

  docker-compose exec iris iris session iris %ZSocket

on WebTerminal it is simply

USER>do ^%ZSocket

Open a new terminal on the download directory and start the node based service

  docker-compose exec iris node /opt/irisbuild/WsockIris.js

or open a new WebTerminal to start the client

USER>write $ZF(-1,"cd /opt/irisbuild  &&  node WsockIris.js")  

The sequence of these commands is important ! Now it connects to IRIS and executes its orders

Result 1

Result 2


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