InterSystems Official
· Sep 24, 2018
Advisory: VMWare vSAN and Data Integrity

September 24, 2018 – Advisory: VMWare vSAN and Data Integrity

Clients running vSAN 6.6 or later should review a very important article that VMware published on September 21, 2018. The article describes the possibility of file system and database corruption, which can lead to outages and possible data loss, and we believe that some of our clients have encountered this issue. Therefore, we encourage you to act on this as soon as possible.

The VMWare knowledge base article is titled:

Virtual Machines running on VMware vSAN 6.6 and later report guest data consistency concerns following a disk extend operation (58715)

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· Oct 26, 2018 1m read
Send an HTML Email

This code snippet contains the class method "test" which sends an HTML email. Change the literal strings in the method to customize the email's from address, to address, subject, and body:

Class objectscript.sendEmail Extends %RegisteredObject
    classmethod test() {
        set m=##class(%Net.MailMessage).%New()
        set m.From=""
        set m.IsHTML=1
        do m.To.Insert("")
        set m.Subject="Sent by IRIS mail"
        set m.Charset="iso-8859-1"
        do m.TextData.Write("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE></TITLE>"_$char(13,10))
        do m.TextData.Write("<META http-equiv=Content-Type content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-2""></HEAD>"_$char(13,10))
        do m.TextData.Write("<BODY><FONT face=Arial size=2>Test <B>Test</B></FONT></BODY></HTML>")
        set s=##class(%Net.SMTP).%New()
        set s.smtpserver=""
        set status=s.Send(m)

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Alexa: Connect Me with the World of IoT
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1 610

Hi Community!

New video "Treating Patients with REST and iKnow" is available now on DC YouTube Channel:
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Hi All,

Who, in the age of digital transformation, doesn't want to reap more benefits out of any process, procedure, and resource we have? At InterSystems Solution Developers Conference (part of InterSystems Global Summit 2018) we will have sessions on how to improve the way applications are built with modern tools like Docker containers, Gitlab, Circle CI, Travis, etc., how continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes can help us deliver more value quickly to the end-user, and how we can start thinking about modernizing traditional applications.

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If you are attending Global Summit 2018 please be sure to say hello to George James Software in the Partner Pavilion.

You are also invited to the informal lunchtime meeting we're hosting at Global Summit on Tuesday 2nd October from 1pm in Indian Paintbrush, a meeting room at the conference venue. We will be previewing the next versions of Deltanji, our integrated source code management solution, and Serenji, our editor and debugger.

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· Oct 20, 2018
Looking for work

Hi every body

I hope it's the right place & I'm not offending any body.

I'm a veteran Mumps/Cache/Ensemble programmer . I think my only draw back is my age, although my brain is still young & bubbly.

I'm looking a long time for work without success.

I gathered a lot of knowledge & experience during those long years , developed many projects & i'm ready to do any work only to feel useful.

I'll add my resume, I hope & wish that this post will bring some change as I'm desperate to get some work.

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Hi, Community!

Please find a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

Optimizing SQL Queries
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In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Why containers?
  • GitLab CI/CD using containers

In the first article, we covered Git basics, why a high-level understanding of Git concepts is important for modern software development, and how Git can be used to develop software.

In the second article, we covered GitLab Workflow - a complete software life cycle process and Continuous Delivery.

In the third article, we covered GitLab installation and configuration and connecting your environments to GitLab

In the fourth article, we wrote a CD configuration.

In this article, let's talk about containers and how (and why) they can be used.

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Hi, Community!

This post is a digest of the Developer Community postings in March 2018.

Most viewed

(Webinar Mar 14) REST API Design and Development 272

Replacing ZEN - Part 1 - Introduction 195

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part I: Git 194

REST Design and Development 161

Deployment Strategies: Do You Compile ObjectScript on a Production Site? 161

Angular 4 (2-5), CacheAutentication, Cache2017.1, REST 155

Parallel execution in COS 154

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part II: GitLab workflow 144

problems renaming/copying classes 129

Sending Alerts to Mobile Phone using Pushover from HTTP.OutboundAdapter 128

Most voted

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part I: Git 6

Replacing ZEN - Part 1 - Introduction 5

Save the Date - InterSystems Partner's Day 2018 in Austria 5

(Webinar Mar 14) REST API Design and Development 5

Replacing ZEN - Index to articles 5

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part II: GitLab workflow 4

Minimum Monitoring and Alerting Solution 4

Sending Alerts to Mobile Phone using Pushover from HTTP.OutboundAdapter 3

Caché Native Access — working with native libraries in Caché 3

DeepSee: Databases, Namespaces, and Mappings - Part 1 of 5 3

Most commented

problems renaming/copying classes 19

Deployment Strategies: Do You Compile ObjectScript on a Production Site? 19

GetSwizzled error in cache 14

creating a test server 13

translation of data ready to push to and from a JSON restAPI 13

(Webinar Mar 14) REST API Design and Development 10

Filters in DeepSee Dashboards 10

SqloutBound Adapter with Output to File 8

Multiple installs of Eclipse/Atelier with different server connections 8

How to Call a Custom Listing in MDX? 8

Top 10 Authors to Follow by Views

Eduard Lebedyuk, Posts, 667

Peter Cooper, Posts, 289

Mark Connelly, Posts, 128

Murray Oldfield, Posts, 81

Evgeny Shvarov, Posts, 60

Artem Daugel-Dauge, Posts, 52

Alessandro Marin, Posts, 36

Top 10 Experts to Follow

Robert Cemper, Answers, +4

Timothy Leavitt, Answers, +3

Tomas Vaverka, Answers, +2

Eduard Lebedyuk, Answers, +2

Dmitry Maslennikov, Answers, +2

Michael Moulckers, Answers, +1

Mark Hanson, Answers, +1

Ray Fucillo, Answers, +1

Alessandro Marin, Answers, +1

John Murray, Answers, +1

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0 227

In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Why containers?
  • Containers infrastructure
  • CD using containers
  • CD using ICM

In this article, we'll build Continuous Delivery with InterSystems Cloud Manager. ICM is a cloud provisioning and deployment solution for applications based on InterSystems IRIS. It allows you to define the desired deployment configuration and ICM would provision it automatically. For more information take a look at First Look: ICM.

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