I am trying to track down a problem we saw this morning with our TEST environment. We had a momentary issue where InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect could not connect correctly to LDAP. When we tried to login and could not connect to LDAP, the system would Delete our users.

the Test LDAP function would return a "Can't contact LDAP server". I went through the Certificates, made sure they had the correct permissions and were not expired.

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I have below method , which receives a PDF ; this method throws error for a PDF file of 3MB size

<MAXSTRING>zBase64Encode+9 -- logged as '-' number - @' set encodedData = $system.Encryption.Base64Encode(content)'

How do I fix this.


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I am trying to use IRIS for Health as a Facade for an external FHIR Server, where IRIS provides the proper authentication.
The client authenticates using a bearer token obtained from the IRIS OAuth2 server via a jwt client assertion.
The IRIS endpoint, however, returns a 401 as soon as I remove the Unauthenticated access

Is there w way to make this work through configuration?

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Hi All ,

I would like to add session ID to the fileName in an FTP out pass thru business operation.
How can I do that ?

<Setting Target="Host" Name="Filename">SessionID_%f_%Q.txt</Setting>

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