Hello @Luis Angel Pérez Ramos 

I've enabled and configured JWT in my Web application. I'm trying to call the /login method from post man with body of contents  {"user":"{YOURUSER}", "password":"{YOURPASSWORD}"} but I got 404 not found error. Did I anything missed/required.

As you mentioned 

With this configuration we will not need anything else to start using this authentication mode in our web applications.

However This is for clarification

Do I need to write a custom login method or existing is enough? 

Do I need to include  /login, /logout etc.. endpoints in urlmap?

Hello @Yone Moreno 
Just a thought. Convert the HL7 message into SDA. Create a clone class like SDA with extends of Ens.Request. Create a instance of the class and import the String into the object and finally store it like below.

ClassMethod HL7ToCustomEnsReq()
    #dim xml As %Stream.GlobalCharacter
    set hl7 = ##class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).%New()
    set tSC = ##class(HS.Gateway.HL7.HL7ToSDA3).GetSDA(hl7,.xml)
    set reqObj = ##class(Mensajes.Request.ConsentimientoInformado.HUC.ORUHL725OutRequest).%New()
    do reqObj.XMLImportSDAString(xml.Read())
    set tSC = reqObj.%Save()


You can send you're POST/GET URL's as part of the method itself. Refer the below sample codes

  Set httprequest=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
  Set httpRequest.ContentType = "application/json"
  Set httpRequest.Server = "renderProjectName.onrender.com"
  set httprequest.https=1 ;add this additional set if you're going to make it as a HTTPS call
  set httprequest.SSLConfiguration = "your ssl certificate" ; include the certificate as well for HTTPS call's
  Do httprequest.Post("/")

As for As I see there is no option to export the Business partners along with production export. Even there is no option with with deployable settings and config.Item definition as well. The Business partner details are stored in Ens. Config.BusinessPartner.

So, I hope you need to manually export your global's and import in to the another instance. 

hello @Yone Moreno 

You don't need to include the query params in the Url. That's is basically available in %request CSP object. You can take the query parameter values like below. And :studies represents it's a dynamic URL parameter value.

XData UrlMap [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/urlmap" ]
<Route Url="/:studies" Method="GET" Call="consultarEstudiosDatosPaciente"/>

ClassMethod consultarEstudiosDatosPaciente(studies As %String="") As %Status
    set patientId = %request.Get("patientId")
    /// or 
    set patientId = %request.Data("patientId", 1)
    return $$$OK

Generally we can't execute the macros directly in terminal, studio output. The Macro preprocessor aka MPP do converts the marcos into the expression or function at the time of compilation. So, You can open and use the .int file for the specific code. 

 write $$$EnsMajorVersion ; 
 write $system.Version.GetMajor() ; 

Get the relevant value of macros and execute it in terminal or output window.