Hi @Prasanth Annamreddy 
If you're using Interoperability production to publish your FHIR resources. Then you may instantiate the object for the class HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request to process the request and production expects this object as a input . Otherwise it will throw "ERROR <Ens>ErrRequestNotHandled: Request message not handled"

Hello @Luis Angel Pérez Ramos 

as of my understanding, We can send the it's as a query parameter or http request body if the design supports. Incase the external system protocol was designed to handled the authorization and some additional custom headers are must be a request header Then it should be part of the headers section otherwise I believe it may creates some issue with the request/response.


Get/Post/Put any method will return status if error while executing otherwise return 1. The HttpResponse object property actually contains the response details such as status code, content length, content type, response etc... 

So, As you mentioned the code is "http.HttpResponse.StatusCode" is used to get the status code of the response.

  1. Basically you should keepIntegrity enabled. Otherwise it will delete all the messages regardless of whether processed or not processed.
  2. Select "All types" in Type to purge.
  3. You can enable the " Open output file when task is running? " and provide the file location.
  4. Once the process is completed or Errored you can check the Ens_Util.Log to get some additional information.

Can you try the above steps.

$this is actually return the current class name instead of object if you're using inside ClassMethod. On the other hand if you use $this (It actually holds the object) So,  it returns object inside Method Check the below sample code and output

ClassMethod thistest()
    write "$this inside ClassMethod: ",$this,!
    write "$this object check ClassMethod: ",$ISOBJECT($this),!
    set obj = ##class(User.NewClass1)..%New()
    do obj.thistest1()

Method thistest1()
    write "$this Method: ",$this,!
    write "$this object check Method: ",$ISOBJECT($this),!
LEARNING>d ##class(User.NewClass1).thistest()
$this inside ClassMethod: User.NewClass1
$this object check ClassMethod: 0
$this Method: 1@User.NewClass1
$this object check Method: 1

So. If you're trying to get the property value inside classmethod by using $this in $PROPERTY($THIS,propertyName) It throws  <NO CURRENT OBJECT> error . so you should use object for $PROPERTY or use this retrieval $PROPERTY($THIS,propertyName) inside method.

The lock is belongs from different process(9908) and you're trying to terminate  via different process(10376) not is not possible. You can verify and terminate the 9908 in process  (System Operation>Process) if no longer required for prevent multiple locks set again and click remove all locks for process and remove it.

  • Use $test  special variable in your code to check the for success/failure lock. If lock is success it return 1 otherwise return 0 based on this result you can continue your logic flow.
  • Always use incremental lock with timeout (ex: lock +^test:0) 
LEARNING>w $test
LEARNING>lock +^test:0
LEARNING>w $test

Basically. The tcommiit will commit the current open transaction. Lock -^global (decremental lock ) is used to release the incremental lock( lock +^global) so everytime if you do incremental lock then you should decrement the lock) by using lock -^gbl syntax

Argumentless lock is release all the locks in the process. So this is not highly recommend in code. And incremental locks are highly recommend for use.

Hello Yone,

Why don't you use %Stream.GlobalCharacter stream object to store  Long string instead of %String property. You can extend your class with %JSON.Adaptor and create a JSON object and directly import with your contents like below.

ClassMethod Import()
    set json=[{"ID_SICH":"121212","FECHA_DERIVACION":123,"MEDICO_PETICIONARIO":(tResponse.Data)}]
    set obj = ##Class(Mensajes.Response.Radiologia.CConcertados.BusquedaOrdenesNEGRINResponse).%New()
    set stt= o.%JSONImport(json)
    if $$$ISERR(stt) write $SYSTEM.OBJ.DisplayError(stt)
    set stt= obj.%Save()
    if $$$ISERR(stt) write $SYSTEM.OBJ.DisplayError(stt)

Hello @Chad Severtson 

We have streams to store it for long time. So, As per the documentation. I was thinking to to create a separate database to move the existing streams, create a new streams and maintain it accordingly. Can you add bit more details about this the instance wide consideration rather than only a database level consideration because allocating buffers of 32KB reserves a portion of the memory for blocks of that sizeHow much memory is allocated and how to calculate it
