Hello Community,

I have a stream property which uses %Stream.GlobalCharacter and I set some dummy texts like "a1a2a3a4a5a6a7...."(more than 1024 characters) in to that stream and the stream values are not compressed. However, The streams are compressed If I use the Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text or other text "This is part four of a long memo." which length is greater than 1024

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Hello Community,

In this article, I will outline and illustrate the process of implementing ObjectScript within embedded Python. This discussion will also reference other articles related to embedded Python, as well as address questions that have been beneficial to my learning journey.

As you may know, the integration of Python features within IRIS has been possible for quite some time. This article will focus on how to seamlessly incorporate ObjectScript with embedded Python.

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Hello Community,

This article aims to walk you through the process of setting up and utilizing the Flexible Python Runtime Feature for embedded Python. Prior to version 2024.2, Intersystems IRIS installer included a preinstalled version of Python, You can find the Python libraries and application files located in the \lib\python directory within your IRIS installation folder (for example, C:\InterSystems\IRIS20242\lib\python).

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· May 15
Documentation New Look

The InterSystems documentation new look is pretty awesome. The integrated pervious release documentation are single page is really useful.

Dark mode and collapse the side bar option is cool!

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Hello Community,

I'm executing the same query with same column name but in different case. An unique cached query generated while query executed first time. The query preparser only normalize the keywords and send to the SQL engine generates the Hash. Eventually use the cached query next use.

Now my question, The hash values are same for both of the queries. Then why it creates two cached queries.

Query1: select * from MyLearn.Test where Name['Kev1'

Query2: select * from MyLearn.Test where NamE['Kev1'

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