Hello @isabella Barnes 

I'd create some custom container. Check, modify and validate all the fields in payload by using some additional DTL's and Code from the and mapped into the custom container. Then I created a DTL mapping and map the custom container with the InterSystems intermediary format HS.SAD3.Container 

Finally use the container object to generate the FHIR resource.

/// custom conatiner class
Class Test.project.CustomContainer Extends (Ens.Request, %JSON.Adaptor)

/// (Custom Persistent class with HS.SDA3.Medication)
Property Medication As Medication;

Property Procedure As Procedure;

/// (Custom Persistent class with HS.SDA3.Procedure)
Property Referral As Referral;

/// (Custom Persistent class with HS.SDA3.Referral)
Property Appointment As Appointment;

/// (Custom Persistent class with HS.SDA3.Appointment)
Property Immunization As Immunization;

/// (Custom Persistent class with HS.SDA3.Vaccination)
Property Diagnosis As Diagnosis;

/// (Custom Persistent class with HS.SDA3.Diagnosis)

/// additional support class
Class Test.project.Medication Extends (Ens.Request, %JSON.Adaptor)

/// Add your fields
Property Context As %String(MAXLEN = 250);

/// Relevant to Medication Requests, this represents whether a  request is a proposal, 
/// plan, or an original order.
/// VIEWERLIB: Not stored
Property RequestIntent As HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.MedicationRequestIntent;

/// Indicates if this record was captured as a secondary 'reported' record rather than 
/// as an original primary source-of-truth record. 
/// VIEWERLIB: Not stored
Property IsReported As HS.SDA3.Boolean;

/// etc........

Class Test.project.Procedure Extends (Ens.Request, %JSON.Adaptor)

/// Add your fields
Property EnteredOn As HS.SDA3.TimeStamp;

/// HL7:  PR1-19.1 : ProcedureIdentifier.EntityIdentifier<br>
/// VIEWERLIB: User.HS.MRProcedures(PROCExternalId)
Property ExternalId As %String(MAXLEN = 220);
/// etc........

DTL Mapping

Class Test.project.DTL.CustomToFHIRMapping Extends Ens.DataTransformDTL [ DependsOn = (Test.project.CustomContainer, HS.SDA3.Container) ]


Parameter REPORTERRORS = 1;


XData DTL [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/dtl" ]
<transform sourceClass='Test.project.CustomContainer' targetClass='HS.SDA3.Container' create='new' language='objectscript' >
<assign value='source.Medication' property='target.Medications.(1)' action='set' />
<assign value='source.Procedure' property='target.Procedures.(1)' action='set' />
<assign value='source.Referral' property='target.Referrals.(1)' action='set' />
<assign value='source.Appointment' property='target.Appointments.(1)' action='set' />
<assign value='source.Diagnosis' property='target.Diagnoses.(1)' action='set' />


screenshot of DTL

This is how I approach the conversion.


Hi @Pierre LaFay 

Define a Method instead of  ClassMethod and Instantiate the object for that class and call the required method. It will work

Class Bna.Utils.Sql Extends %RegisteredObject

ClassMethod RemoveIrisTestUsers() As %Status
    set obj = ..%New()
    New $NameSpace
    Set $NameSpace="%SYS"
    // Get test users by login begining
    Set query = "select * from Security.Users "_
                "where "_
                    "ID like LOWER('ARS%') or"_
                    "ID like LOWER('CHERCHEUR%') or"_
                    "ID like LOWER('CS%') or"_
                    "ID like LOWER('DGOS%') or"_
                    "ID like LOWER('CENTRE%')"
    Set sc =obj.SelectFirstColsInArray(query, .userIds)
    if 'sc Return sc
    zw userIds

    Return $$$OK

Method SelectFirstColsInArray(query, test)
    zwrite query,test
    return $$$OK


Thanks @Julius Kavay ,

Ok. Yes, both global and private global storage at the first time of initialization.  Why does it consumes minimum 8 byte(seems default and Is this Default byte size) regardless of single character(1 byte) in $storage. It consumes same or more than same byte when store in to global. Is this actual physical storage size(bytes) for the global.

Global ^TEST
directory: c:\intersystems\irishealth\mgr\learning\
Page: 1                           GLOBAL SIZE                        24 Jan 2024
                                                                        11:26 AM
      Global        Blocks       Bytes Used  Packing   Contig.
      --------    --------  ---------------  -------   -------
      TEST               1               12      0 %         0
      TOTAL         Blocks       Bytes Used  Packing   Contig.
      --------    --------  ---------------  -------   -------
                         1               12      0 %         0
                                        <RETURN> to continue or '^' to STOP:

Hello @Andy Stobirski 

Have you created a web application? If not, You have to create a web application. Configure the necessary details such as namespace, url add your PCRest.disp in dispatch class and assign roles. Save the application and call your RESTFul api from postman.

/// Says Hello
ClassMethod Hello() As %Stream.Object
	return {"status":"ok","message":"working"}

Yes Of course, We can store the object id's directly to the list of object property by using ( ex: $lb($lb("1"),$lb("2")) )  it. However we stored the values through objects. Basically the basic behaviour of storing the primary object automatically stores it's reference objects by default(DeepSave).So, I don't need to save multiple objects manually. Eventually it revokes both primary and reference object in failure state. No transactions involved in the code logic. If I save the secondary objects before storing the primary creates discrepancy in my data, Incase of failure. I thought to implement the same flow via SQL if possible.