Hello @Colin Brough 

I Believe, There is no functional difference between rule 1 and rule 2 except the invoking the DTL twice and finally call the Target. By default it has the feature to call multiple targets once the transformation completed. You utilized the feature in rule 2. That's the exact way to call multiple target unless different message and different transformation required. There will be a performance difference should be there. Because it executes the DTL first every time and eventually call the targets asynchronously(Whether it's asynchronous or synchronous It depends on the configuration in production Business process).

The syntax of $$$LOGINFO won't allow you make it in multiple lines. Instead you can set it in local variable and pass the variable in LOGINFO for better visibility 

set log= "object: 'This is a try'"
    		_"this is the second line with an example parameter: "_$get(x,1)
    		_"this is the third line with an example parameter: "_$get(y,5)

You need to pass the subscripts also part of the $NAME itself to make it dynamic instead start from the beginning

USER>s subscript="a" ;your dynamic subscript 
USER>set GlobalVar=$NAME(^["IRISMYDEV"]TEST(subscript)) ; pass the subscript into $NAME
USER>write GlobalVar
USER>set sub="" write $o(@GlobalVar@(sub),1,data) ; next subscript of "a"
USER>write @GlobalVar
USER>write GlobalVar

Hi @Ryan Pflughaupt

You need to use the $NAME function set the global variable into local variable to process global names extended global reference dynamically. There is no problem with setting global name in local variable if it's belongs from the current namespace. Use indirection( @ )  operator to do $query,$order,$data string functions and get values from it(Suggest to use $NAME for current namespace global as well) . 

USER>zwrite @GlobalVar

USER>set sub=$query(@GlobalVar) for  quit:sub=""  write sub,! set sub=$Query(@sub)

by using this you can take the values. Check last global reference by using the $zreference function.

Hello @Muhammad Waseem 

Maybe you can try extract the patient resource from bundle or use if it's already resource. Load into FHIR model patient class  HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.Patient with the extracted resource. Then you can convert the Birthdate and validate the Age. You can use the same logic in your code DTL in your FHIR process in between FHIR service (HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Service) to FHIR operation (HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Operation)

ClassMethod VaidatePatientResource(patientResourceStreram As %Stream.Object)
	#dim patient As HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.Patient
	try {
		set patient = ##class(HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.Patient).FromJSON(patientResourceStreram)
		Set age = $horolog - $ZdateH(patient.birthDate,3)\360
		if age<18 $$$ThrowStatus($$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Age is less than 18"))
	catch ex {
		w ex.DisplayString()

Hello @Padmaja Konduru 

The certificate and private key is configured for the your SSL/TLS connection.  You can try  executing the below code to get some certificates of the certificate

I have attached my sample "test" SSL/TLS which is included the sample certificate and private key (x509)

Call the SSLDetails method with your SSL name. This method will return an local array with some basic details like expire date , subject and so on.  SSL configuration name was taken from the   System > Security Management > SSL/TLS Configurations 

/// Call this method with your ssl name
ClassMethod SSLDetails(SSLName As %String = "") As %Status
	new $namespace
	set $namespace="%SYS"
	set ssl=##class(Security.SSLConfigs).%OpenId("test")
	set privateKeyFile = ssl.CertificateFile
	set file = ##class(%FileCharacterStream).%New()
	do file.LinkToFile(privateKeyFile)
	set str=file.Read($$$MaxLocalLength)
	do ..certificateDetails(str,.fields)
	zw fields
	return $$$OK

ClassMethod certificateDetails(str As %String, ByRef fields)
	#;getting some basic  details
	for field="SerialNumber","Issuer","ValidityNotAfter","ValidityNotBefore","Subject","SubjectKeyIdentifier" {
		set fields(field) = $SYSTEM.Encryption.X509GetField(str,field)


verify the local array fields("ValidityNotAfter") value for the expired date

IRISMYDEV>do ##class(Sample.NewClass1).SSLDetails("test")
fields("ValidityNotAfter")="2023-09-21 06:13:50"
fields("ValidityNotBefore")="2023-09-20 06:13:50"