Question John McBride · Mar 4 NodeJS Iris Package - Work on node Windows? Hello, Does the NodeJs package work when running a node js file on windows (nodejs for windows)? I've added the package by running npm install <package location folder> I have the following index.js file, but when running from node (windows) I get the following error. Does the NodeJs package build the output files when the package is added or does it just assume linux as the underlying os? Error: Cannot find module './bin/winx64/irisnative.node' #JavaScript #Node.js #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 5 0 32
Question John McBride · Feb 7 Flask, Iris Container and NGINX? I have a flask application, its working locally. I also have a iris for health 2024.3 docker container front-ended with the iris nginx container. #Containerization #Docker #Python #Web Gateway #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 1 40
Question John McBride · Feb 5 WSGI/Flask app with iris container complains about flask not installed Hello, When setting up a new web app in iris (iris is in a container) iris complains that a WSGI framework is not installed. I have installed python into the container as well as both flask and django via the python virtual environment (see second screenshot) and the python language server is running Is this the wrong way to install flask? How do I get the container version to recoginize that flask is installed? #Containerization #Docker #Embedded Python #Python #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 39
Question John McBride · Jan 13 Python Iris.CreateIRIS generates connection error Hi, I'm trying to use the iris python package to create a connection to and Iris Health instance (Docker Container), but getting and error. I can login to the instance using the UI with the same uname/password but unable to create the python connection. Any suggestions? conn = iris.connect("testserver",52222,"%SYS","username","password") After executing this I get an exception trapAn error occurred: Invalid Message Count: expected: 1 got: 825110831 #Docker #Python #VSCode #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 49
Question John McBride · Jan 13 How do you debug embedded python (Docker Container) in VSCode Just curious what the process is for debugging either a .py file that is uploaded to a specific namespace/location or a python classmethod defined in a .cls file. My method can be run via the "Debug" breadcrumb but it doesnt hit breakpoints it just runs without a debugger. Also objectscript methods debug correctly #Docker #Embedded Python #VSCode #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 3 0 102
Question John McBride · Nov 18, 2024 Add InterSystems.Data.IRISClient.dll to Nuget as a package? Since .Net has a unified package manager system ( why doesn't Intersystems create and add a nuget package (.nupkg) containing the InterSystems.Data.IRISClient.dll file. This would make it easier for external .net developers to obtain the package for creating tools and/or applications that utilize Iris/Iris4Health Can Intersystems create a nuget package? #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 5 0 104
Question John McBride · Nov 13, 2024 Starting Python External language in container generates error I'm trying to get the python external language server started up in a container I am starting. The container is up and running but I cannot get the python language server to start.This is the error that is coming back when trying to start the language server. I have tried creating a custom image with that package installed but it still does not work. Is there something specific that needs to be done to to get this working? (FYI, I have the dotnet version working but creating a custom image and installing the dotnet runtimes via a docker file) #Containerization #Docker #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 0 0 40
Question John McBride · Nov 5, 2024 Can you build an IRIS Container without a license? When trying to build a custom container, I'm getting a <LICENSE LIMIT EXCEEDED> during the build process. Will this stop the container for building? Do I need a license in order to build a custom container? #Docker #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 7 0 197
Question John McBride · Oct 8, 2024 Docker build with merge results in error Hello, I'm trying to create a custom IRIS4Health docker container utilizing CPF Merge but getting an error below. The merge file has been copied to the container within the docker file. Anybody know what would cause this error? ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c iris start IRIS && iris merge IRIS mergefile.cpf" did not complete successfully: exit code: 133 #Docker #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 68
Article John McBride · Sep 4, 2024 2m read NGINX Configuration (Container) If you plan on using the nginx server to front end you IRIS instance (as opposed to the standard apache web gateway install) you will need to add a few configuration options into the CSP.conf file in order for all urls to work. It took me a little bit to figure this out but this seems to be the configuration that works. #Containerization #Web Gateway #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 0 0 130
Question John McBride · Aug 23, 2024 .NET External language server and output variables (IRISReference) Hello, I'm working on building some .NET Scripts/CLI tools and starting to use the .NET external language server. #.NET #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 99
Announcement John McBride · Jul 24, 2024 VSCode extension for IPM (InterSystems Package Manager) Now Available Overview The extension and source code are now availableAfter having some discussions at Global Summit and using a lot of package managers in my day to day development (npm,nuget,Chocolatey, etc) in addition to recently using the InterSystems Package Manager for some CICD process I'm building using Intersystems IRIS and IRIS 4 Health, I wanted an easy and integrated way to search/view/install packages related to the Intersystems tech stack. #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health #VSCode 6 0 3 116
Article John McBride · Jul 10, 2024 2m read VSCode extension for IPM (Intersystems Package Manager) Overview After having some discussions at Global Summit and using a lot of package managers in my day to day development (npm,nuget,Chocolatey, etc) in addition to recently using the InterSystems Package Manager for some CICD process I'm building using Intersystems IRIS and IRIS 4 Health, I wanted an easy and integrated way to search/view/install packages related to the Intersystems tech stack. #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Open Source #VSCode 8 5 1 316
Question John McBride · Nov 30, 2023 ObjectScript kernel for Jupyter notebooks? Anybody know if there is a ObjectScript kernel for Jupyter? Would be kinda interesting to testing scripts, etc. And since we kinda have the language runtime in the VSCode ObjectScript extension I wonder if that could be utilized fora jupyter kernel? #ObjectScript #Other 0 6 0 235
Question John McBride · Nov 24, 2023 OpenTelemetry support? Does Iris 4 Health support the OpenTelemetry initiative for logs/tracing etc? #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 5 1 295
Question John McBride · Sep 24, 2023 Oauth2 Callback redirect uri being called twice? I have been testing FHIR and Iris OAuth2 but have noticed that my callback (redirect uri) I have configured in the Client config, gets called multiple times with the same code. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any help would be appreciated #OAuth2 #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 0 0 185
Question John McBride · Sep 23, 2023 Enable sub_filter module in the webgateway nginx docker container I am trying to do a rewrite using the webgateway-nginx docker container but getting an "unknown directive sub_filter' message. How can I add additional nginx modules into a webgateway nginx container? #Web Gateway #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 0 0 216
Question John McBride · Sep 3, 2023 A definitive getting started guide for Iris 4 Health and WebGateway using Docker Hi All, Been trying to setup a iris 4 health community version along with a webgateway bothing utilizing docker. The documentation seems a little sparse when it comes to configuring each of these to work together, especially when it comes to utilizing the Webgateway to front end the MGMT pages for Irirs 4 Health. I know there is a github repo that has a docker compose file, but that doesn't see to provide a light on what needs to be configured in order for it to work. #Containerization #Docker #Web Gateway #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 303
Question John McBride · Aug 18, 2023 Hosting .NET Web app in docker and Front ending it with Iris 4 Health Hello, I have a .NET based web application and would like to front end it with an Iris4Health server, ie possible using the CSP or web application url's to reoute to the requests into the docker container. Kinda of like a reverse proxy but using Iris for health. Is the external language server a good use for this or is that only for direct interaction with I4H? I know you can create a custom container with the app copied into it, but not sure if that is the best way. Any suggestions on how I could accomplish this would be appreciated. #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 0 0 116
Question John McBride · Jun 7, 2023 ZPM / IPM private registry API spec? Is there a API specification for the ZPM / IPM package manager for anybody that would like to implement their own registry? #InterSystems IRIS #Open Exchange 0 4 0 180