Question John McBride · May 30, 2023 HS package in HSLIB Namespace empty? Hello All, I have the docker container community version (2023.1) if IRIS 4 Health installed and running, but it sees that in the HSLIB namespace I see that the HS package is empty. I downloaded this container from the intersystems container registry. Is this supposed to be empty? How do i get it populated? Am I missing something? #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 1 0 165
Question John McBride · May 2, 2023 JWS/JWT Header X5C Hello All, I'm trying to sign some custom JWT with x.509 certs but running into a problem with the signed JWT containing some information I need in the JOSE header. Is there a way to get the "X5C:[]" header included in the signed JTW? IS this as easy as setting something like the following Set JOSE("x5c") = "public key" Thanks John #Error Handling #JSON #OAuth2 #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 251
Question John McBride · Apr 13, 2023 Docker container - enable TLS/HTTPS on private web server Hello, I have Iris4Health community version (using for some development) running in a docker container and trying to enable TLS/SSL/HTTPS in the container. I have created the SSL cert chain (root ca/web site cert) via open SSL have the http.conf and http-local.conf file loaded on a durable volume. I have also loaded the root CA in the trusted root cert store on the device that is connecting. After inspecting the logs it looks like apache has loaded the certs and is listening on the correct port, but I am unable to connect to the mgmt portal via SSL. #Docker #SSL #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 1 502