The problem is that when you try to install the flask app you get the screenshot (1st) that says it cannot find a WSGI runtime (like flask or django).

The answer is, for a container, you need to install the flask runtime in the OS level not the virtual environment level.

Example would be like this (In the Dockerfile) to install the flask runtime during a container build. This will install the runtime correctly and you will not get the WSGI message when trying to create an application.

RUN apt install -y python3-flask
RUN apt install -y python3-django

Looks interesting, but that project still needs to be installed on the iris system. IMO I was something that is independent of the IRIS platform and is tightly integrated into a development environment. Which is why I built it into VSCode. I don't want to have to install and entire app on infrastructure to make it work.

If that solution works for you workflow, its a great option as well

Just my .02

Hi Patrick - Thanks for the response. I am currently just one container, not really seperating out the webgateway just yet. Right now i'm just using the priate web server contained within the iris4health container.

With that being said, do I still need to add the ssl/tls items into the webgateway config. I thought that was just to secure the communication between the webgateway and the iris server?