Developer Advocate / Software Engineer / Technology Evangelist
Seasoned pragmatic software engineer and technologist with a passion for all things developer advocacy. Over 20 years experience in building teams, products and communities ranging from tech companies to healthcare with a varying range of technologies from cloud to highly secure On-premises environments.
@Summer Myerson @Stefan Wittmann Any update of the packages in nuget?
So here is answer is anybody is interested and running Iris for Health in a container and front ended by the nginx webgateway container.
First - What ever url name you use in the web application configuration you will need to add to the nginx config file. See below
Next - when access the url be sure to add the trailing slash (/) otherwise you will get a "url not found on this server message. I'm not sure why this happens as both URLs *should* work?
Hope this helps.
URL Name: /csp/flask
You will need to add it to the CSP.conf file for the nginx config like the following
location /csp/flask {
CSPNSD_response_headers_maxsize 8k;
CSPNSD_connect_timeout 300s;
CSPNSD_send_timeout 300s;
CSPNSD_read_timeout 300s;
Hmm, so sounds like is pretty early on for the node support? Kinda hinders anyone trying to build a UI around the IRIS Apis since they are not really exposed or generally available to call via HTTP. I know these library wrap alot of internal structure to present it in a way that the library understands but still hinders anyone wanting to build a webapp around IRIS (sepcifically not something hosted on IRIS).