Question Sébastien Demoustiez · Sep 24, 2019 The studio is very slow on a specific namespace Hello, everyone, I'm trying to find solutions to a problem that's becoming quite boring.On only one namespace, the sudio is very slow.The studio freezes completely for 5-10 seconds when I save or compile a class. Sometimes it also freezes for no apparent reason at a random time...It stops when I change namespace... Do you have any idea what that could be? Thank you in advance #Studio #Caché 0 15 0 488
Question Sébastien Demoustiez · Dec 14, 2017 Get a custom response server header with Cache Hello,I'm using Cache 2016.I try to get a property set in my server response header.I tried to get it in %request and %response but without success ...Some one have an idea ?Here an example of what i try to get :Thank youSébastien #Object Data Model #Frontend #Caché 0 6 0 1.2K
Question Sébastien Demoustiez · Nov 21, 2017 [Fixed] License limit exceeded Hello Community, I recently encountered a issue with Caché and I can't figure out where the problem is coming from. I noticed that the license limit (200) was reached whenever I was opening my Studio (so it seems). When this occurs, I restart Caché (with the Cube in the Taskbar), and the number of license used is back to 1%, but grows back after. The time taken before the number of license grows back again looks pretty random. Here is a couple of screenshots : #CSP #Development Environment #Management Portal #Performance #Studio #Caché 0 7 0 1.8K
Question Sébastien Demoustiez · Nov 10, 2017 Lost my encryption key after reboot server Hello, Sorry for my epic english :( I have a strange issue. I have generated an encryption key with the tool (UI.Portal.EncryptionCreate.zen). Then I activate my key for data encryption (UI.Portal.EncryptionManaged) and encryption work fine. But when I reboot my server the key is removed from the data encryption key list (UI.Portal.EncryptionManaged) and I have to re-activate the key. Perhaps somebody have an idee ? Cache version : Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2016.2.2 (Build 853U) Windows: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard #Encryption #Microsoft Windows Server #Caché 0 2 0 366
Question Sébastien Demoustiez · Jul 27, 2017 [Fixed]Call REST Service on CSP Gateway Server Hello,I have a DB server (ser-app-db) where cache is installed as server.I have a Web server (ser-app-w) where cache is installed as web server and configured as CSP gateway.I followed the configuration guide ( and ser-app-w perfectly display the CSP and CLS pages.But that's not working for my REST service, for exemple with the REST sample: #CSP #ECP #REST API #Caché 0 9 0 1.3K
Question Sébastien Demoustiez · Jul 25, 2017 [Fixed]Error with ECP Hello,I try to create an ECP between to CACHE server.The ECP is working, the remote DB is created and the namespace is created and linked on the remote DB.The table appears on the server but when I try to access I get this message:ERREUR #5540: SQLCODE : Message 400 : Process 4076 failed to compile Cached Query Class %sqlcq.###.cls6 with these errors: ERREUR #5002: Erreur Cache: <COLLATION NOT SUPPORTED>getdependencyclasses+54^%occDepend SQLTEXT: SELECT ... #Caché #ECP 0 3 0 885
Question Sébastien Demoustiez · Dec 15, 2016 GROUP_CONCAT() With InterSystems Caché Hello,Is there some way to reproduce the SQL GROUP_CONCAT( with the Caché DB ? #Caché #SQL 0 6 0 1.2K
Question Sébastien Demoustiez · Oct 10, 2016 [Solved]Reset the cursor of a Query (resultset) Hello,First sorry for my english :)I'm looking for a solution to reset the cursor of a query in a csp page.In my code I do: #Caché 0 2 0 638