go to post Pierre LaFay · Feb 29 Hi, I think this article wiil be helpful to clean up before reinstall : https://community.intersystems.com/post/points-note-when-uninstalling-intersystems-products-windows
go to post Pierre LaFay · Feb 23 Is it possible to use value for search condition like this : SELECT p.%ID, p.name, p.street, p.city, p.state, p.postal_code, pn.phone_type, pn.country_code, pn.phone_nbr FROM demo_intersystems.Person p, JSON_TABLE(p.phone_nbrs, '$' COLUMNS( phone_type VARCHAR(10) path '$.type', country_code VARCHAR(8) path '$."country_code"', phone_nbr VARCHAR(12) path '$.number' ) ) WHERE country_code = 1 If yes, I think this might not be very efficient, as it has to interpret JSON expressions for each row in the table, without using indexes.
go to post Pierre LaFay · Feb 22 Thanks @Danny Wijnschenk & @Robert Barbiaux ! ^SPOOL is a great global !!!
go to post Pierre LaFay · Feb 11 hi @prashanth ponugoti To use hypps you have to install CSP Gateaway in an external apache (or nginx) web server. This external web server can be configured for https (with let's encrypt certifcate if you need fee certificates) The documentation for csp gateway. Modifying internal server configuration is a bad idea because in new versions of Iris, it will not be included in the distribution.
go to post Pierre LaFay · Feb 9 Thanks for tour answer @Prasanth Annamreddy but the problem wasn't in the Package Name (in ##class() the param is full className : package.class), so in my Case Bna.Utils is the package and Sql is the classs
go to post Pierre LaFay · Feb 5 Thanks to @Ashok Kumar & @Timo Lindenschmid This is working fine, and I do that but this not an answer to my questions : Calling a class from another Namespace? Is there a way to map a table from one NS to another? I think this must be possible by mapping %SYS bases, but I find this not very secure, I will search more in the doc...
go to post Pierre LaFay · Jan 12 Hi @Logan Kitchen Are your databases part of a Namespace? If this is not the case, this is necessary to access it through the Explore>SQL tab. You can create Namespaces in System>System Administration>Configuration>System Configuration>Namespaces.They can use existing bases
go to post Pierre LaFay · Jan 12 To access to a session in a remote iris instance by ssh, you must Etablish a functionnal ssh link between your client and your server (For the rest I will call them CLI and SER) To test this first phase from your client ssh user@SER after connection by ssh check your Iris Instance is running iris all If yours instance is up like : Instance Name Version ID Port Directory ---------------- ---------------- ----- -------------------------------- up >IRISHEALTH 2023. 1972 /usr/iris/2023.1 You can now launch a session and access a terminal :
go to post Pierre LaFay · Jan 12 You are in the right place to have the information you want: On this web application (https://community.intersystems.com/) you have access toResources intersystems on l-the left bar in community t tab where you can find a kit to start using Iris (in a container or not), I suggest you docker container for a faster setup The learning tab will provide access to course videosThe Documentation tab to the product documentation with a search function (The documentation also includes very useful how-to sections)The open-exchange tab offers example applications or utility classes that can inspire or save time during your projects. And of course the community tab. The people here are all kind and will try to help you. You will also find articles full of useful information there. So you can ask your questions as you learn. Last but not least: Welcome to the Intersystems community !!
go to post Pierre LaFay · Jan 12 I think you'll get a lot more help if you give the details of your error.How do you get this error?In what context ?On which version of Iris or hidden ( w $ZV to obtain version information)Furthermore, you are on the site of a volunteer community, saying hello also helps to get help.
go to post Pierre LaFay · Jan 11 If your goal is to delete this file one time you can do it with one of theses methods : You can delete the file by using terminal : (the sudo command set you with all privileges on files) sudo rm /tmp/test/test1.txt Or from an Irii terminal !sudo rm /tmp/test/test1.txt If not can you tell me how you create it, and give the result of this command ? ls /tmp/test.txt -lh or (in Iris terminal !ls /tmp/test.txt -lh
go to post Pierre LaFay · Jan 6 Hi @David Hockenbroch, I think I've found another way to protect a route.I'm not protecting the route itself, but the method it points by using [ Requires = "myResource:Use" ] on the called method: /// Sample API Class Test.Api Extends %CSP.REST { XData UrlMap [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/urlmap" ] { <Routes> <Route Url="/test" Method="GET" Call="Test" /> </Routes> } ClassMethod Test() As %Status [ Requires = "myResource:Use" ] { Do ##class(%REST.Impl).%WriteResponse("api method test : OK") Return $$$OK } }
go to post Pierre LaFay · Jan 3 I suggest you create a json object in an objectscript method and call this method with an http request from your javascript to retrieve the object
go to post Pierre LaFay · Dec 30, 2023 Hi Ron, thanks for your answer, @Eduard Lebedyuk give me another way to do that which can be more secured. You can see that in his answer to this post
go to post Pierre LaFay · Dec 30, 2023 Hi @Eduard Lebedyuk, thanks for your answer, I will test it now :-)
go to post Pierre LaFay · Dec 26, 2023 I am currently developing a REST API backend and I have chosen to systematically use classes, because mixing csp files and classes seems to me to harm the maintainability of the code.Furthermore in this case, a database backup contains everything, I don't have to worry about separate files.This is just my opinion :)
go to post Pierre LaFay · Dec 26, 2023 You can : Create an abstract class with a method that successively calls:FileCompact() and ReturnUnusedSpace() from the class SYS.Database Then you can add in the task manager a new task (type RunLegacyTask) which calls your method Before doing this, I advise you to make a backup of your database or a snapshot of your machine if it is a VM