Package names belong to the class names, so this is covered by the class names are case sensitive. In addition they have to by case-insensitive unique.
would be valid class names but they are not unique as ToUPPER both read TESTCLASS
same is true for package names and routines.
Hi Dmitrii,
The automated export of changed files can be handled by %Studio.SourceControl.File, this would export any changed file on save and import the latest from disk on checkout.
To automate import on a target system you can create a scheduled task that executes $system.OBJ.LoadDir regularly, this also per default compiles on load.
There is a setting in vscode for the objectscript extension, that allows you to modify the compile flags used.
My current settings, which also triggers compilation of embedded SQL vs default behaviour to not compile embedded SQL.
"objectscript.compileFlags": "cbk/compileembedded=1"