Hi Scott,
my first thought here was use ^GBLOCKCOPY.
GBLOCKCOPY can copy all globals from one database into a new database or namespace.
So in your case create a new namespace with the correct mappings and new default databases. then use ^GBLOCKCOPY to copy all globals into this namespace. The copy to namespace follows the mapping definition for the namespace and should split Global(data) and Routine(also in globals) into the respective default databases.
This new databases can also created mirrored and then would be populated on all nodes respectively.
A caveat though i would test this first as i am a bit unsure if it really gets all globals located in a database(including system), although i am pretty sure it does.
Hi Richard,
at the version of Cache you are using there is no terminal via web browser. Not even sure if the community webterminal is working with this old version of Cache.
Only recent IRIS versions have introduced a terminal service via web technologies to be used with VSCode.
Hi Jingesh,
have a look at this older dev community article: Synchronize data with DSTIME | InterSystems Developer Community |
Hope it helps.