Article Mario Sanchez Macias · Sep 5, 2022 5m read MANUAL FOR SUCCESSFUL UPGRADES (tips & guidelines) Note: ********* The following is just a guideline! Every customer is different and will have different points *************** #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 9 1 4 590
Article Mario Sanchez Macias · Apr 27, 2022 3m read Who or what is consuming my licenses? From time to time, we get the previous question in support, something or someone is using more licenses than expected, and we need to find what. We have two scenarios. The first scenario is when we realize that the licenses are exhausted when the application does not work or when we try to connect through the terminal and get the "lovely" <LICENSE LIMIT EXCEEDED> message: #Debugging #Monitoring #System Administration #InterSystems IRIS 7 1 0 782
Article Mario Sanchez Macias · Nov 15, 2021 2m read Checking your Backups and the number of journals to keep Working in support, I usually get asked how many days I should keep journals. Should it be two days or after two backups? More? Less? Why two? The correct answer (for most of the environments) is that you should keep the journals since the last validated Backup. I.e., until you don't check if a Backup is valid (restoring the file and checking with the Integrity utility), you can't be sure there is a good copy of your data and can't purge the journals safely. #Backup #Journaling #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 13 7 2 774
Question Mario Sanchez Macias · Mar 17, 2020 Store property coming from a json array Hi, I know there are several alternatives, but I would like to find the easiest & simpler ones to store data coming in Json format from post requests and also allowing me to do SQL queries. I want to have a property called favouriteColors. I want to store a few colors, and I want to be able to do queries to get top favorite colors, etc... so not handling the list of colors as just a fixed string or fixed object. #JSON #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #InterSystems IRIS 1 4 0 527
Announcement Mario Sanchez Macias · Oct 9, 2019 Mirroring with Docker - simple setup Hi, If you like to play and test with mirroring, now you can do it very easily with dockers and these simple mirror scripts. #Containerization #Docker #Mirroring #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 2 4 1 683
Article Mario Sanchez Macias · Nov 10, 2016 2m read Working with javascript files in Atelier If you spend a lot of time working with javascript, json and html and you are new to Eclipse / Atelier you may like this tip. #JSON #Frontend #HTML #JavaScript 2 0 0 490
Article Mario Sanchez Macias · Nov 10, 2016 1m read Tip to look Atelier more mac stylish *only for Mac users* I tried to make atelier look more like XCODE with this simple trick or tip: change the default font to SF Mono and size 14.To do it I did:1) Install SF Mono font in the system which is the default font for XCODE and needs to be installed in order to use it.You can find it in: /Applications/Utilities/ Click SFMono-Regular.otf file and install it. You will get a warning of "serious problems" but it will work all right. #Caché #Terminal #Apple macOS #Tips & Tricks 0 0 0 490
Question Mario Sanchez Macias · Jun 8, 2016 error Unable to create source control class: %Studio.SourceControl.ISC opening %SYS classes or routines I am having a problem when using atelier on my instance, which I just synched from perforce on latest and then did a built I am getting the error ERROR #5880: Unable to create source control class: %Studio.SourceControl.ISC [zSourceControlCreate+17^%Studio.SourceControl.Interface.1:%SYS] every time I want to open any class or routine from %SYS namespace in the Server tab. Did someone had the same issue? Mario 2 5 0 510